Perception & Honesty

In the eye of the beholder...well, this is how I see it...why do they they not see what they are doing...I try my best but things never work out...PERCEPTION!  Wouldn't it be great if we could all perceive things the same way?  I mean, if something happened there would be no misunderstandings, no hard feelings, no arguing over who is right--we would all have the same perception! 

As a counselor and as someone who just lives life, I see perception cause so much strain on relationships--marriages, friendships, parents/children.  One person acts and does something and it is peceived by others in another light.  The sad part is that most of the time we can't get passed our own perceptions--we never take time to consider our part in all of it "Maybe I have the wrong perception."  Instead, it is always looking for more fault or reasons to blame the other person/people.  I mean, who wants to be wrong, right? 

I think another reason it is hard for us to see past our perception is the lack of honesty in people's lives! Have there ever been days when people really spoke what they truly mean and feel.  I don't mean telling people off and being crass all the time.  I hear people pride themselves in the fact they just tell people what they think and they don't care how someone takes it.  That is not the honesty I am talking about. I mean--truly expressing thoughts, opinions, feelings and acting in ways that represent those.  And in so doing, still be respectful and thoughtful of others.  In other words, no lame excuses or avoiding others--just be honest. The reason everyone's perception is so messed up is because you have to wonder "Is that really what they want to do?  Are they really being honest? Are they really thinking...?"  Honesty could solve all that--if our yes could just mean yes and our no could just mean no.

And for a final thought on the topic:  if you still find yourselves wondering about people and situations, just stop and observe for a while--see if their talk matches their actions and then do their actions line up with they profess to believe?  Integrity is not an easy thing to fake longterm--and for a Christian, the Holy Spirit leads us to live a life of intergrity in all areas of our lives--relationships, business/work, finances, teaching, discipleship, etc.  Lastly, when we see one of our Christian bro/sis's seem to have a pattern of lacking in an an area, maybe it is time to do the hard thing and just have an open, honest conversation with them about our perception and what we observe from the outside--not in a judgemental or condemning way--just an honest conversation--one is which you communicate caring, love, and concern.  At least that way, we give them the opportunity to give us their excuses and be dishonest about everything, right :)  Perception...
