Travel Log 2019 #4: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

After arriving in Phoenix, we went to the hotel and rested for a moment. We then all went for a night swim and soak in the hot tub.  It didn't take them long to warm up! The pools are outside but heated since it doesn't get extremely cold here.

Johnny threw me into the pool and we swam some laps...I will admit the hot tub did feel good after that! I am not a fan of them unless it is outside and snowing. The heat from them makes me feel sick!

It was raining in Phoenix when we woke up the next morning. The boys and Johnny made their way to the pool and hot tub while I stayed in the room and did a little work. Afterwards we all got a workout in at the hotel gym and the weather had cleared up. So, we packed bags with lunches and water and set out for the day's adventure.
In case you don't know...this trail is rated as difficult and strenuous. As we approached the trailhead the ranger gave us a rundown explaining about 7 people a year die on the trail and he suggested we stay on the left side holding on to the rail in the 2 most difficult parts. But he assured us if we made it past those two parts we could make it to the top. Good grief--what a welcome! That put a little fear in the boys. I figured they had to do that for liability and for people who have no clue about outdoor activities. The trail is a little over 2 miles up--climbing rocks/boulders most of the way. 

And while to our outdoor friends, this may not be such of a big deal, for me it was. I have a lung disease (a form of COPD). It was either congenital or from 2nd hand smoke exposure. Only one other person in my age range has it that my pulmonologist could find from his research. It is usually only found in much older people. SO...the fact that I was able to make it to the summit/top and still be able to talk and function normally was exciting! Maybe the AZ air helped (people with lung problems move here). On a side note--this is why when you are suffering from respiratory symptoms you should not expose the public (even if you just "think" it is nothing.) It can be deadly to people like me! Hugging, handshakes...I am just not a fan. Except on occasion. The last hug I welcomed from someone not from my immediate 3 guys was in the ER in Cleveland, TN. I was having a mental breakdown not knowing if I should leave the hospital AMA or stay (they would not release us to go in network).  And in the middle of my breakdown and plea for someone just to tell me what to do, my sister in law hugged me. It was the best hug ever. I wanted to just stay there. And FYI: I have since spent over 14 documented hours on the phone and taken 5 typed pages of notes between the hospital and insurance company with that one! The funniest line was when the risk manager from the hospital said to me, "The reason the Dr. would not all allow you to leave as a private transport is because he had to decide if you would follow up with treatment." Her silence  was humorous to me after I asked, "And on what basis/judgement did he decide that I would not follow up with treatment?" After it all got settled she told me that if we ever need to come there again and denied a release, to go ahead and call her while I am there. Sure thing...
The wind and this shorter hair do not get along!
Since we used a lot of energy we decided to grill some steaks and burgers and stay in Phoenix another night. The boys swam while Johnny grilled the food, and I worked in the room.
The boys came back into the room and John was ranting.  John: "Dad is going to give all of our food away to these people down there, I guarantee you!" Me: "What?" John: "He has made friends with people down there and they are all wanting our food. I bet you he gives it away." Me: "He may share it but he'll make sure we have some." John: "It may be some, but it probably won't be enough." Fast forward...Johnny comes in with the food. Me: "John said everyone at the pool was wanting our food and was worried you were going to give it all away." Johnny: "Yeah, they all thought it was good idea and started deciding they needed to do it (grill at the hotel). One guy asked, if I had a large family. I told him it was just us 4." We all eat: John downs 4 burgers and about 6-8 ounces of steak...Johnny begins rant: "What are we going to eat tomorrow? I thought we could at least have enough for another meal..." So is life with 2 boys, especially when they have to exert a lot of energy. The only positive, when we have to go to the grocery AGAIN, John Gannon will not be able to say a word about the budget!

The next day we decided to go to Papago Park in Phoenix to do some hiking and bike riding. When we went out Johnny noticed we had a bike stolen. And did I mention that same morning before we left we got a call that let us know the upstairs toilet in our house overflowed/flooded the bathroom and the water was dripping downstairs in several places...yes, definitely not the best start of a day! 

With feelings and thoughts running rampant in our four brains, we had an interesting 30 minute drive/ride to the park. Jackson is silent, looking out the window in hopes of catching a glimpse of his bike. John is ranting to me at an incredible rate of words per minute about the brokenness of the justice system and government. I am challenging some of his thoughts and trying to get him to think a little more critically about everything while Johnny is angry at all the crazy drivers swarming us and then...the gps gives us wrong directions. Needless to say, we all finished the drive in silence...

Once we arrived at the park, we explored the popular "Hole in the Rock" first.


We then just hiked around and explored that area and across the road--where there were still great mountain/rocks just lots less crowded...

 Have I ever told you all how much I love this guy?
Life will throw frustrations at you constantly. It is always so refreshing to focus on the things that matter. I am so encouraged to know that my life here is only temporary and that despite my weaknesses, frustrations, successes, struggles, and challenges that I can be content. I am content that my hope is in Christ alone, not in what I accumulate or what I lose. 

Live a Meaningful Life!
