Give us a dollar...

Johnny and I have the perfect scenerio all planned out.  You know how most people dream of retiring and traveling around in the rv--well, we think it makes more sense to do it now--with our boys.  Wouldn't it be great to teach them about rock formations while taking a hike in the rockies or after reading a silly story about alligators going for a swamp tour in the the possibilities.  Stay a month here, a month there--meeting people from all walks of life, sharing Christ and being a part of God's work in different geographical locations--man, it would be great!! 

For those of you who are more literal and need a better rationale than just the day dreaming type thing, educational theory has proven we are more apt to learn from what we experience--so when we limit ourselves to daily routine--same job, same grocery store, same scenery, same friends, same church... aren't we in a sense limiting ourselves intellectally? We all know those people "who haven't been out much" but in a sense we all do that...I mean, we live in Mississippi--I'm just saying :)  Besides limiting our intelligence what about our spirituality?  Jesus walked around and explored and so did/does many of his followers-just walking and spreading the message as they went/go. 

We have talked about how great it would be to that for a few years--we have even looked at rv's before (when we were moving to CA a couple of years ago we thought about doing it).  So, we wonder how in the world we could make it happen--we could write some best-selling books, publish some songs, somehow be sought after speakers, but since none of that seems to be happening in our near future, we thought of  a good plan...

If you and every person you know and every person they know and every person they know gives us a dollar we could live our dream. So, it's that easy--give us a dollar--hand it to us, give it to someone we mutually know, mail it to us (1396 CR 197, Blue Springs MS 38828) and what do you get in return--the satifsfaction of knowing you had an investment in helping someone live a dream!  And hey, we will put your names in the best selling-book b/c I am sure with all the sights and beautful surroundings, inspiration will come--right?  Dreams...whatever happened to all those dreams we use to dream?  It can be some fun stuff...dream a little--what does it hurt?  In the meantime, as we live dying, live a meaningful life--oh, and don't forget to send the dollar!
