My Problem...Is it Yours Too?

Out with the old, in with the new.  We moved the boys' beds out the other day and exchanged them for hammocks.  They have been great all around--they are super comfy and a great space saver!  And instead of just being a bed--they have been forts, secret hideouts, and animal carriers!

Does anyone have a problem with self-discipline and selfishness besides me?  Ugh...I get so sick of myself sometimes. Back in November after I finished reading my Bible one day, I realized that in certain areas of my life I had become pathetic, lazy, and just plain selfish.  Unfortunately, if anyone had called me on it, I could have given him/her very logical reasons for my behavior.  When I mentally ran through some of my list of "reasons" I felt sick. I was using these justifications in an effort to stay the same.  So I fast-forwarded mentally for the next five years and then just felt sicker! Yuck--I want to be different--a better Paula.  However, all of my justifications  were only leading me to be the same...

I mean, I was basically saying to myself, "Oh Paula, it is just fine being the way you are-I mean look, you...and no one even knows that you...and you always..."  So, I decided to be done with all of that!  I picked out a starting place to begin and decided I was going to beat my pathetic excuses and body into submission! So far, so good...I am surprised how frequently my little pet justifications keep creeping back into my mind--wanting me to submit and quit. They want me to stay undisciplined and selfish--they want me to be left unchanged.

What does the world call this process? Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy  What does the Bible call this process?  Transformation by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2)

My challenge to you: quit believing the stupid justifications your mind is feeding you--call them out to be the liars they are--renew your mind with truth--and change. The alternative: keep believing and holding onto the justifications: fast forward 5 years and continue to be the same (Because I am sure you are just fine the way you are, right? I was pretty sure I was!)  Live a Meaningful Life!


  1. I LOVE the hammocks!! How are they attached to the walls? Samantha

  2. Johnny says we attached D rings to the studs in the walls (these D rings are found near the rope/cable section of the hardware store). He then made some rope links of 2 different sizes on the clips. We attach the hammocks to the the the ropes--you can see John Gannon's is higher than Jackson's--but they can both be raised/lowered according to which rope you clip it to. We bought ENO Doublenest hammocks--they are big enough for 2 adults. They love them!


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