Time Stands Still

As I was thinking about my life today, I was mentally reviewing some of my best memories (you know--those treasured moments in life--some big events/but mostly just small things that hold a lot of meaning).  I realized that all of the things I recalled during that thought process were related.  All of these "treasured" moments happened when life just kind of stopped for a while. When I laid the "busy"ness and to do list aside and was fully present.  I challenged myself today to do this even more.  I mean really--I didn't have one memory that came to mind during times when I was running from one place to another, stretching myself thin, or working 2 jobs and going to graduate school...

What were some of those treasured moments?
  • One day in the middle of cleaning the kitchen I got caught up in this song--so I stopped, started singing loud and dancing around...then the next song...wow--it grabbed the attention of my soul and all I could do was realize how blessed I have been and I remember a very personal prayer I prayed that day...one of those life-changing prayers--a prayer/thought/reminder that has ever since changed my thinking and behavior in a lot of ways
  • All of our traveling, experiencing places "having adventures" as John and Jack would say--lots of pictures and thoughts come to mind!  When we are gone, we have no clue what day it is or what we are going to do next...we just wake up each morning-no agenda-and just live! (Someone asked me the other day how we can go so frequently--we just do it cheap--we cook food before we leave to take with us (eating out isn't a vacation for us--one of the greatest mysteries to me is this whole large group of people that come back from trips and the greatest memory they share is about where they eat?  What??? I just don't find food that important to my life) and we stay in a tent.  Our average 6-7 day trip generally costs about $500 (gas, camping, buying some random things, paying admission fees if we do something, extra food, etc.) We recently went for a 2 night/3 day trip to the river/mountains and only spent about $100--gas included.
  • The day my dad came to our house this Spring and helped me plant my garden.  He wasn't occupied with time that day, getting back to his house or anywhere else. He fished with the boys, explained to me how to row a garden (my idea of a row was pretty amusing), and just made memories that day.  Memories I hope when he is older and goes through that life phase when he looks back on his life and tries to make sense of it--he can cherish! (Erikson calls that stage integrity vs despair. If you have never read anything on developmental theory--it is worth at least a glance--just Bing/Google Erikson's stages of psychosocial development).
  • Watching Johnny's mom hold John Gannon the day he was born--she and Pops came to the hospital--stayed until he was born--she left to have her first round of chemo--and I will never forget sitting in my bed watching her hold him when she got back from her first treatment...life was still for a moment.
  • The days Moma and Memaw come visit.  My children run around the house--full of excitement and put on entertaining shows for them.  Memaw belly laughs--I hope leaving a lasting memory for her...Moma always just fully engages with the boys in their play--on the floor, in their room, down the road...no "busy"ness--just play!
  • The day I had lunch with my aunt--it was nice to just sit down and listen/talk and spend alone time with her! I stand amazed at the work God has done in her life over the years--it has truly been a heart transformation!
  • Traveling with my friend--we have shared lots of good memories, laughs, and had many paradigm shifting conversations...like one in Philadelphia, MS where we realized together the skill that is most beneficial for someone to have (Wouldn't you like to know what that is? Maybe I'll share it sometime in another post)
  • Holding my sweet Jackson and feeding him for the first time (after he was not allowed to eat for 11 days!!) The moment that milk hit his mouth, a smile--a smile that didn't stop for a long time--watching Pops laugh at the 22 day old boy who wouldn't quit smiling--he even snapped a picture  on his phone.  Time was still then, "busy"ness was non-existent
  • Tonight, I got lost for about 20 minutes at a birthday party just staring at and having all these flashbacks about my husband--I could go on and on--lots of people were around, but I was just captivated--time was still and I was recalling all kinds of stored pictures and memories...Did I mention how blessed I am?
I could go on and on and on....I think sometimes the best thing we can do, is just be still and make ourselves be fully present!

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”  Psalms 46:10
