Model Behavior

Oh me...I need to do so many things.  The problem  I don't want to.  I don't want to clean out the cabinets, wash the windows, scrub the tub, put up all the toys AGAIN, sweep/mop the floor, exercise, clean out the fridge, wipe down the cabinets, write a book, go buy some long sleeve shirts, drink more water...need I continue.  As I have sat here typing, my model husband has folded the baskets of laundry we had sitting in the bedroom without whining, dropping any attacking remarks, or even asking me to help.  This is after he cooked supper and made me a plate to carry for lunch!  My goodness I have a good husband.  Not only is he savy around the house, he is quite the eye candy--as a lady at work pointed out today!  And on top of all that, those muscles!!  But even more impressive than all of that--his incredible love and pursuit of Christ. Johnny doesn't seek to shade who he is.  He is confident enough to share his own opinions without fearing the consequences or shading them just for others approval.  He doesn't change when we are around others--he is the same.  He is definately not perfect, but is the love of my life.  We have been married over 13 1/2 years and it really just seems like a short while! And while thinking about all that...I think I'll get up and go scrub those tubs.  We are a team...I guess I will surrender my will and play may part.  Point of this post--model good behavior--it is a good motivator for some!
