What's the Difference?
Yesterday afternoon/last night, we initiated an unplanned "work" session at the church. We just completed an addition to our shed (our gathering place) and had some work done inside--needless to say--a mess needed cleaning. Our gracious shed host and hostess :) had been working all morning cleaning, sweeping, moving...trying to get things back in order. When we arrived we realized there was lots of tasks that needed to be accomplished but would only be possible with the help of others...so we sent a text out to our small groups...
Pause this story for a moment...I am not sure about you, but to be honest, I have never looked forward to a church workday or night--much less an afternoon and night. I have attended many--only out of pure dedication to get a task done. I can honestly say I have never left one and thought, "I really enjoyed that."
Back to my story--a little after the need was sent, people started showing up to help. 12 adults and 11 kids later, we were all busy. The adults worked long and hard hours--the kids ran around like wild natives...we picked on each other, laughed...had a mock business meeting regarding the color of the next tablecloth...and of course took a short break to eat some pizza. Oh, and I forgot the learning experience of the night--just in case you ever wondered--one of those peel and stick tiles will not remove hair from a man's back. We have video of the test case if you need proof. However, I am sure if we added a little of that glue they were smearing on the floor the results would have improved!
So what was the difference I wondered last night on the way home? Why did I actually enjoy a work night at "church"? Well the difference is this...I know the people that were in the room. Umm...I know that sounds like brain science but really--I really know everyone that was in the room. I know their struggles and what they are passionate about. I know when they are hurting or when they are celebrating successes. You know--the good and the bad--we know that about each other. We really share a sense of community. For that--I am thankful! Our kids and some others asked if we could do this every Saturday night...Umm, no--I don't want to work EVERY Saturday night.
Back to the comparison--we enjoyed our time at the other churches we have been a part of--we have some great memories. We still enjoy seeing and hearing from many of those people today. But the difference--we really never knew any of the adults on a real--personal level. I had lots of conversations and many people kept check on us, brought us meals when we had children or were sick, visited us in times of grief...but no real conversations. No bearing of the souls in honesty...I realize I really missed out (I take full responsibility for this--I am definitely not blaming. I have no memory of making an effort to initiate an honest conversation with any adult myself). My point--take advantage of the community you have inside of a church or around you. Get to know people on a personal level. Start having REAL conversations--let people know what your struggles are, quit putting on the game face acting like you have it all together--because the truth is...you just don't! And the result--a community of messy believers coming together to worship Christ=one beautiful picture! Live a Meaningful Life!
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