Spring Break 2014

As the Cox tradition goes...we decided very spontaneously on Tuesday to take a trip to Chattanooga on Wednesday and then off to a cabin in the mountains of Copperhill, TN Thursday-Sunday.  The added bonus--our friends were going with us! So...our first destination-our favorite city, Chattanooga, TN--the wind was terrible which made the cold biting for the boys, so they decided to take advantage of the heated water and TV with channel selections (which is a treat for them)!
On Thursday, we were off to the Ocoee river!  We watched as Johnny got ready to hit the rapids. 
And then we were off to do our business--which includes hiking and making imaginative play scenes in the rocks.
 Occasionally, I see a picture of my boys that I just love...this is one. We stopped and made it on the way to the car to travel to our next play location at the end of the river! John has a hat on and is carrying a bag--two of his trademarks. Jackson has his head turned sideways with his sweet smile, and the river is roaring down the dam behind them.
Here is what we find at the end of the river!

The next few days included some hiking, lots of imaginative scenes, and a fun adventure for 3 of us! While Johnny was on the river Saturday, the boys and I took advantage of a more than half off sale at Ocoee Zipz.  I had only reserved spots for John and I--the website said it was for children 5+. When we asked about Jackson they said he could go and could ride with me! We were all super excited!  They have over 6,000ft of zip lines spread throughout 7 canopies!
The first line was only 35 feet in the air. Jackson and I got hooked onto the line and we started walking to the edge of the canopy.  Right when we got to the edge, Jackson took a step back and said, "I'm scared." I said, "Me too!" as I lifted my legs and took the plunge off the first one.  Midway down the line he was smiling and saying, this is fun!  As soon as we were unhooked he asked if he could do them by himself--so he did!  John was running off the canopy and plunging into the air on all of them!  The tallest was 65/70 feet and the fastest one according to the website can take you to speeds of 45 mph (our guides told us 60). The fastest one was the favorite for all of us. (Imagine video clip here--I couldn't get it to load....) Here is the only still picture I made...

I talk a lot about the different personalities of our two boys and of course those differences showed during this adventure as well!  John--our safe child (Paula genes)--would run off the decks and glide down the line while holding both hands onto the rope.  If he felt the need to be wild, he would take 1 hand off the rope, wave it in the air and spread his legs out.  Jackson--our risk taking child (Johnny genes) would take both hands off the rope, spread his legs and fly--calling himself superman. We all 3 had a super fun time and all want to go again and let daddy tag along!

During the course of this trip, John Gannon really got interested in the art of whittling.  This was a scene we saw many times during this trip. He made some knives, spears and a flying creature.  I would like to let him hang out with someone for a few hours that is experienced in the art--if you know of someone who would be willing to give the little guy a few pointers--let us know!
A little theory here...if any of you read research about generational trends, etc. it is no surprise that there is an emerging body of research that suggests we have raised a generation of people that have been sheltered from struggle, not allowed to fail, and therefore not able to solve problems. Let a kid have a little problem in school--mom is emailing/calling/coming to the school to get it "taken care of." Of course, lots of that research suggests that the lack of creative/imaginative play during childhood contributes to some of these woes.  We have "educational" toys--that direct children to touch the "right" buttons and get praise...touch one that isn't right--well--try again.  Opinion here--I hate those things.  I just think children should be given the freedom to explore their environment and figure out things without someone always telling them how or "what to push." If you are in the toy buying stage--avoid things that use batteries. Choose blocks, sticks, rocks, play food, imaginext things, legos--(and don't get mad if they destroy the little creation that is pictured on the box to create something new and unique), empty jugs, paper, scissors, paint, play doh...you get my point. But even better than toys--the outdoors. Oh my at the things you can learn (and there is no little irritating voice saying, "great, now find the ..."

While I am talking about giving a child the freedom to explore their environment--I am not talking about not providing supervision.  The next few pictures show some of the "guided" supervision that our boys receive when we are having our outdoor adventures.  I just love taking these pictures--there is just something special about watching a daddy guide their sons.  Of course, I am a little partial and think our boys have absolutely the best daddy in the world!

We also came across our first frog of the season! The boys were thrilled!
So there you have it, a glimpse of our Spring Break 2014!  Live a Meaningful Life!
