Light-Hearted Smiles and Memories

I was just browsing through some old pictures and took the opportunity to laugh and think about some treasured memories.  I thought I would share some with you...
Sometimes plans just do not work out like we hoped!
Those large wormy things that are tagging along on the shirt--just beware!!! They will urinate and leave the shirt reeking-so much so the child must remove his shirt while completing the rest of the 1 mile + hike!
The great fish rescue--one day when we were at the Ocoee, a large amount of small fish got caught on the rocks when they cut off the dam.  Our boys couldn't bear the sight--so the great rescue began (notice Jackson's hand)
Just in case you ever wonder--Johnny does as any great daddy would do: Demonstrate the dangerous task prior to the children trying!

We have this running joke with John Gannon about him being part goat.  Really, he chews on all of his sleeves, pencils, anything in sight!

Who decides randomly to stand up on rocks at one of our favorite places and dance?  That's right-who needs music?  Nature just feels good!
Problem solving...Want the hammock to swing and mom/dad just say figure it out?  Tie a rope to a tree so you can pull on it--works like a charm!
Oh, things of the more wobbly cooker for us. Can't wait to use the new one this season! I can  almost guarantee its first hours use--percolating some coffee for this guy! 
Pictures can be SO deceiving! I put my kayak on top of a hill so that I could get all strapped in--and before I knew it, the kayak slid down the hill, into the FLOWING water of the river.  I did as any superhero would--jumped into the ICE COLD water and retrieved the boat before it floated all the way down the river.  What prompted the smile? Not really sure about that unless I was laughing!

Look for an opportunity this week to stop life for a few moments and have a MEANINGFUL MOMENT--it will be good for you!  Live a Meaningful Life!
