Weight & Birthdays!
I am not really sure what this post is going to be about, so I am just going to write and see what happens! First off, today is THE day. The day where I am completely committed to shedding these extra 8-9 pounds I am carrying around. Now, before you roll your eyes or lecture me about how I am fine, etc., hear me out. I have always maintained my weight by a very simple process. I have a target weight and when I go over that weight by 2-3 pounds, I then do something about it. My theory-it is much easier to lose 2-3 than 20-30. It has always worked...then why did I say I have 8-9 to lose? Because I have become of age, that's why! Just kidding-I could blame it on the indoctrination I have been injected with for years, as early as I can remember, "Just wait until you have a kid or get older, that weight won't be so easy to lose. Your metabolism slows, and so on..." While some of those things may be true...the real truth is this-I have been making terrible choices in my diet. I have sat on the couch more that I have moved around. So, I could just sit around eating a chocolate chip cookie and say "I am getting older," or I could get up, throw the cookie away and run up and down the steps until I hurt. It is my choice. So, today I choose...(and for some reason when I make decisions that a change is necessary, I have to write it down.) Step one: write about it (check).
And one last thing about the weight deal--you know how I came to realize I had these extra pounds? I am not an excessive scale checker. It actually happened last Sunday. We were on a family walk and Jackson and I were really freezing so we walked home while the elder Cox guys continued the walk. Jackson wanted to go buy John Gannon presents for his birthday and Christmas from him. So, we loaded up and while leaving the driveway I realized Jackson didn't have his wallet. I wasn't falling for this one. I drove back down the drive and told Jackson I would run in the house and grab it (I didn't want to have to buckle him up again.) So, I did. I ran. But something strange started happening. Each time my foot made impact with the ground, I felt this terrible sensation. My buttocks were moving/jiggling around so much, it literally hurt! So I darted in the house, grabbed the wallet, and stood on the scales. There is was...the extra pounds.
Next subject: Birthdays! On the 8th, this 1974 model turned 40!
He is still addicted to extreme sports, runs many miles most weeks, does pull ups and push up more days than not, and can eat a Sam's-sized container of peanut butter in a week! He thinks deeply and analyzes even the smallest of details so much it makes my brain hurt sometimes. He is absolutely the greatest dad and husband that has ever existed. I have said this hundreds of times, "MY LIFE WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY BORING WITHOUT HIM!"
On the 14th, this cautiously-adventurous guy turned 9!
He is always ready for an adventure-as long as the risk he calculates is not too great. He loves figuring things out and is by nature a leader. He is the most social human I have every observed and truly has a giving heart! His quirky smiles and eclectic sense of style characterize his personality! He loves zoology and history. He can't listen for long-he has to find things to recreate the scenes he sees in his head!
This guy is going to be 5 on Jan. 8th!
How such a small body holds so much passion and intensity, I will never know! He can spot a flower in places where no one else even notices them and will most definitely pick one to share with someone (even if it is in Central Park). He loves making crafts and making things for people. He will not hesitate to let you know if he is not pleased with a decision or does not understand the schedule of the next day's activities! His sweet hugs, kisses and tender "I love you's" melt my heart. (I dyed my hair this past weekend and he was adament that he wanted his hair "colored." He compromised with some temporary color! And yes, of course--he was allowed to wear it everywhere we went that day in public!)
For the past 2 years, the boys have both opted to go on a trip instead of having friend parties for their birthdays. This year, they both wanted parties with their friends. They decided to celebrate their birthdays together. Over the course of a few weeks, several options were discussed (renting a facility, party planning, etc.). They both concluded they just wanted to play with their friends-no pre-planned activities or decorated "things." JG's comment "That stuff is only good for looking at. Who cares about that?" So, they decided to just have a few parties/times to play with their friends. Simple. Times to cherish friendship and make memories! They picked 3 groups of friends they wanted to play with--church friends, homeschool friends, and public school/baby sitter friends! We have had the church and homeschool parties already and closer to Jackson's birthday we will have the other friend party and a family party! Both friend celebrations have been fun for the boys! After each, they have processed what friendship really is and how you can have a great time with people...minus all the stuff! Simple times!
Live a Meaningful Life--People matter more than stuff!
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