Christmas in our World, part 1
I thought for the rest of this week (if I choose to write anymore), I will post a few things about how we celebrate Christmas. I'll start with last night. It was Sunday and as most Sunday's go, we get to hang out with some family. Let me clarify by what I mean when I say family. We don't share any genes (with the exception of 2 sisters). We don't share any of the same moms/dad (except those sisters...) So how in the world are we family? We have shared real life together. We have walked with each other as marriages struggled to stay together. We have hurt and grieved with each other as children have fought for their lives in hospitals. Addictions-check. We've dealt with it together. We all know some of each other's junk. We get on each other's nerves every once in a while. And the truth is: I still love these people despite their failures and their worst days. And do you know what-they love me too, despite all my junk. We are family!
So we gathered last night-to worship and reflect on the birth of Christ, Christmas. As a church, we don't have any traditions or expectations from year to year. If someone wants to do something, they just kind of do it. Last night when we walked in, we were greeted with a very intimate setting/decor that was created by someone who just decided she wanted to do it. It was beautiful!
So we gathered last night-to worship and reflect on the birth of Christ, Christmas. As a church, we don't have any traditions or expectations from year to year. If someone wants to do something, they just kind of do it. Last night when we walked in, we were greeted with a very intimate setting/decor that was created by someone who just decided she wanted to do it. It was beautiful!
Prior to the start of the service. some of the smaller children and a couple of the oldest kids decorated 50 cookies to share with everyone! The other children did what they look forward to doing every week-running around playing with each other!
Together, we sang songs of adoration to our Savior, Jesus. This week it was all acoustic-my favorite style of music.
Next up...this group came to proclaim the story, the story of the birth!
Each one shared a verse from the Bible they had learned, presented the Christmas story for everyone, and sang a few Christmas songs!
Afterwards, Johnny shared a message encouraging us to focus on Christ-one in whom we can trust, who can help, and who gives us hope. We then shared communion as families. Afterwards, the children all went to a mock store set up by someone and were allowed to pick out and wrap gifts for their mom/dad.
It was a beautiful night, as families worshipped Jesus together. It was a great start to this week, as we prepare to share time with family and focus on Christ!
And just in case you ever need a family-we are there-6:00 on Sunday nights, we also meet once during the week-at different locations. Just ask, we'll let you know where-sometimes we don't know until a few days before!
Live a Meaningful Life!
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