(Paula Lynn, almost 36; Jackson Nash, a few days from 4; John Gannon, just turned 8; John William Jr., just turned 39)
This is us--this is what we would look like most of the time if we didn't have to operate in systems that had conformity standards. And no, we don't know anything about hippies--and we have only watched 1 or 2 episodes of Duck Dynasty in our entire lives. We like all things outdoors: mountains, rocks, trails, water, grass, fields, and roads. Our dream--to live on the road in an RV--just traveling around, meeting/helping people, and having adventures!
Meet the Cox Crew! Boy do they have some stories they could tell!
Josh Smyrl (wife--Karen; kids--Katie & Elisha-not pictured) They are youth ministers at a church in New Mexico. Josh and Johnny are on opposite poles of the personality spectrum but really do have a bond shared by brothers!
John William Cox (AKA: Bill; Papaw Bill) Wish we could see more of him (he works long periods of time in other states;) Our boys love when he comes to play! He can cook up some breakfast!
Debbie Holland--The big sister that according to Johnny is responsible for his constant picking on and aggravating of others. He said he finally outgrew her and was able to hold his on!
Cissy Cox (AKA: Cissy or the lady that gave the sex talks with slides at your high school back in the day) She is the queen of deals; Need something? I am pretty sure she can find it for you at Dirt Cheap! Oh, and she has got some patience, let me tell you!
Jamey Holland--he was 2 or 3 when we got married--you know the cute little ring pillow carrier? Now a man--with a job and a beard...time flies! My boys love fighting/playing with Jamey! Reminds me of watching him and Johnny in the floor back years ago.
Kristen Cox (Johnny's youngest sister)--A very pretty lady who is morphing into adulthood as well! She is currently navigating down the path of career choices and life!
(For some reason, I just noticed the rest of our family never takes large group pictures? I'll have to work on that!)
The Martins! Meet my Mom (Grandma) and Mitch (Papaw Mitch). My mom did a great job putting up with me through childhood and those terrible teenage years. The most important thing she contributed to my life (other than my actual life itself) is her living example of Christ. I saw prayer and Bible study be a part of one's lifestyle and not just at church--for that I am grateful! I am thankful my mom gets to share her life with Mitch--who makes sure she has something to eat every night :) and includes her in all the adventures of hunting, camping, and Ole Miss! (I also have a step brother, Jason, and a step sister, Angela)

Meet Susan, Bill, and Lazarus Hayden! I included a picture of my aunt because I am an only child and this particular side of my family has always just been us (mom, Memaw, and Susan). Growing up I called her Tootie and thought she was the coolest thing ever. I looked up to her and wanted to be just like her. As an adult, she is still no short of amazing--she has a servant's heart and is full of love and compassion for others. I am glad she has Bill to share life with and raise little Lazarus (they just adopted him)!
This is my Grandma (Memaw) and my granddad Charlie (Poppy). My mom's dad, Joseph Finney, died before I was born. Memaw and Charlie are quite the pair! On any given day, she'll be giving him down the road and he'll be grinning as she does! Memaw is a knitting queen and loves us all dearly! I have watched Charlie as he as been able to live a transformed life later in his life--he once struggled with alcoholism and a host of other issues. Memaw will be glad to tell you all about how his heart has changed--she is pretty proud of him!

Meet the Brown's! Doug (Papaw) and Fran (Gamma) --my dad and other mother. Now these two are quite the pair. I am absolutely sure they are matched perfectly in personality! God gifted Fran with an attitude of patience and a sense of humor so that she could tolerate living with my dad and put up with his endless pranks and jokes! Fran is a sweet soul and always just quietly serves everyone around her. As for my daddy, he has been just that--a daddy! What I will one day miss the most about him--those daily phone calls and our ability to debate all of life's important and non-important issues. If you are ever in need of some of that common sense country wisdom--just give daddy a call--he'll help you out. And if he isn't sure, I am quite positive he'll make some up, right on the spot!
This is the Morris crew! My step-sister, (Melonie), brother in law (Scott), his brother (Cody) and my niece (Libby). They are expecting another little Morris that will be making his/her entrance this summer! We have really enjoyed getting to know and hang out with Cody lately. Our boys love playing with Libby and I am pretty sure Melonie and Scott will agree--we all like it when we are in the same house because we get to eat good!!!

Meet Mary Ann Waddle (Granny), Johnny's mom. We have been blessed lately with the opportunity for her to do a little traveling with us. I am sure it is pretty hard for her to tolerate us like she does--but she does-- I am sure for the sake of our two boys--who take on the form of royalty at Granny's house! She has a heart of gold and seeks to serve others as well! Johnny credits her life of discipline, faith, hard work, and integrity as starting the foundation of the man he is today.
This past year, we lost Pops (C.W. Waddle). I saw from him one of the most beautiful pictures of love I have ever witnessed. When Ann came back into the room at the hospital after having some cancerous tumors removed. I saw him reading questions off of his hand that he had written down. I am sure he did that so he could tell his beautiful bride everything--and not forget a thing--because he knew she would worry...what a beautiful picture I will never forget!

Here are the Tuckers--Amanda (Johnny's sister) and Luke (Brother in law). Now Johnny tells stories of Debbie--Amanda tells stories of Johnny terrorizing her! How she survived--that is probably a miracle in itself and probably has to do with the power of a praying mom! Luke and Amanda have some dog children and just gained their newest edition--a Great Dane puppy!
**And just for the sake of keeping all families together-Debbie and Jamey--from the Cox picture also need to be down here as well
And here is Mary Ruth Ridings (Mamaw-Johnny's Grandma--Ann's mom). You will never meet anyone as full of life and laughs and Mamaw! I guarantee she'll have you laughing (or saying "oh my") after a few minutes of being in her presence!
There are some others who we only have memories of--Mother Ballard & Papa (my great-grandparents), Grandmother (Johnny's grandmother--Bill's mom), Jack Ridings (Johnny's papaw--Ann's dad) and countless others a little further out on the family tree.
Family--where our lives intersect briefly for the purpose of encouraging, strengthening, and guiding each other down life's path! I am thankful for mine! Live a Meaningful Life!
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