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A Few Random Thoughts and Questions
- The more I learn, the less I realize I know.
- The less I realize I know, the more foolish it seems when people present themselves as being an "expert."
- Self-discipline in all areas of my life is the hardest of all feats to conquer.
- Face to face conversation is a dying art.
- Pretty sure some people should list their #1 priority as their phone--at least that is the evidence of their actions.
- Homeschool vs. Public education--why can't we all get along without all the hating! My goodness--I laugh at all the strong "skewed" mess I hear from both sides. I have had to bite my tongue in both circles so many times...I should write about this...
- I sometimes think so much about living simple I make it complicated.
- The earlier I get up, the more time I have.
- Why is it that the people who always complain of drama in their lives are the ones that I always think are the people who create drama?
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