The Adventure of Adventure Life!
Now this crew--I cannot promise they wouldn't handle a snake if they saw one in the pasture before or after church--but it would only be for exploration and adventure purposes only- nothing spiritual! On any given Sunday night at six a group of people from a few counties come together in an updated shed on a county road in Mooreville in an effort to collectively worship Jesus together! I am positive when people drive by (if they even recognize it is a church) they are convinced we do some weird stuff in there--like handle snakes, pass out, drink strange things, sacrifice animals, and/or smear blood on things. The truth is, we do none of that. Although, we do have some pigeons who have nested somewhere in the back roof--I am pretty sure they are safe! We are just regular people living life together. We make an effort to care for each other, encourage each other, and walk with each other as we struggle and fail. And in the meantime, we h...