God and Underwear
One of the reoccurring themes I have noticed in my Bible study and devotional lately is being dependent on God--you know--He supplies all things, don't worry about tomorrow, he clothes the flowers, He gives perfect to peace to those whose hearts are steadfast on Him...anyway those are just a few that come to my mind as I type. The other day as I was reading, my analytic brain started churning. Oh me, God are you trying to prepare me ahead of time because we are going to be in need? I followed that thought for a few minutes or so and then just did a quick cover prayer for my momentary lack of trust and dependance--you know "God forgive me--I know that you will take care of us." Even though I can say that I have been reading things for a few weeks that seem to have the same message, I can honestly say, my heart still didn't get it...until today--and believe it or not--it was all over some underwear--used ones at that!
I was in Jackson's closet yesterday and reached in his drawer to get a pair of underwear out. I grabbed some that were a little snug, and I was looking for the last ones we bought him which were the bigger size. I realized we only had about 3 pair of that size so I told myself I have got to get rid of all these smaller ones so I could remember to buy some more of the bigger size. And then, my brain (remember I told you it is pretty analytic at times) goes into this thought process about next year. Oh my, I wonder how it is going to be next year when we "realize" we need something...like underwear, shorts, shoes...will we be able to just go buy it? Or we will we be...in need? I almost shivered at the thought. We have never really had to save to buy a pair of shoes or prepare to buy a pack of underwear. And for some reason, I really got serious in my talk with God in the closet. I started pulling some scripture out to remind God how promises to take care of our needs, etc. And at the same time, I remember a conversation we had in our ladies group about what His definition of needs are etc. So, my heart starts really just saying, you know what God, I really want to trust you and maybe being in need of a few things may help me to be more dependent on you--Just teach me God. Then, I left the closet with the underwear and that was over...or so I thought.
Life continued as normal last night and this morning--until I was leaving Ms. Rachel's dropping Jackson off. As I was leaving, a friend was walking out after dropping her children off and she looked at me and said, "Hey, what size underwear does Jackson wear?" I told her, and she went on to say she had a stack her son had outgrown and would bring them to me. Honestly--we have never swapped underwear or clothes before--both of our sons are the same age! I left this morning in amazement. How neat that God confirmed to me--hey--I got this--just trust me! I even care about your underwear! And He even did it before we had a need!! I am so thankful that he loves me enough to offer me the strength and encouragement I sometimes need when taking steps of faith.
Am I saying that God just grants your wishes or if you have a doubt, He orchestrates some series of events to communicate to you? Heck no, not always. But for me this morning, God really communicated something that resonated within my heart/soul--Just trust me...I can even provide underwear if I need too!
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