Motivation, Inspiration, and the such...

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed! Deut. 31:8

People--that is good stuff! If I were getting ready to go to battle, not to down play my ninja fighting skills or anything, but I would definately be glad that the Almighty himself was going before me in battle! He is not going to leave me anywhere without a comforter and without Hope! Even dying is gain! Have you ever been in need of some encouragement? I have. God  used some people to speak into my life over the last few days and it has given me the encouragement, motivation and inspiration I needed to really get serious about a few things. Check this out:

1. A co-worker walks into my office and invested into my dreams--her words of wisdom and inspiration really helped motivate me to get serious about some things I sit around and dream about! She followed up a few days later with the recommendation of a song--all I can say is Go Get It!

2. While teaching last night, I just happened to look down and a friend I haven't talked to in a long time texted me and shared how she was loving the blog and that I was an inspiration to her.

3. I go into my office this morning, login and have an email from another friend --who doesn't know that I blog and told me what an encouragement and inspiration I have been in her life.

Three unrelated incidents--none of them aware of the others' actions--all speaking into my life.  I can't help but feel incredibly loved by my Creator.  Take the time to speak into people's lives--text, email, call or visit! You never know the need someone has or the encouragement you can bring. Just doing small, seemingly unsignificant things can really speak loudly into others' lives! Think about the people who have invested in you, made a difference in your life, or just did something you respect. Tell them--don't keep that stuff a secret! You may help provide the motivation and encouragement they need to begin or continue to pursue something God intends! Live a Meaningful Life!
