After waking up in Nacodoches, TX, we loaded up and went out to explore. They have the best downtown area we have seen yet. It is considered the oldest town in Texas (some argue that fact), and they have done an excellent job preserving the place. For blocks, it is still brick streets and all of the buildings are in great condition.
Oh...I forgot the little cute touch they had at breakfast at a couple of the hotels since we have been in TX.
The town has a farmer's market right as you go downtown with all handmade items and produce. I really wish they did this in our town weekly.
These bricked streets went for several blocks throughout town.
Sam Houston (the first President of the Lone Star Republic) and the Commander that led Texan troops to victory over the Mexican troops is a really big deal around here. There are all kinds of things noting his contributions.
There's ole Sam again.
And like all of the other towns small towns we have visited thus far, they are littered with murals.
These boys have been troopers and haven't complained once when we are getting out to explore another town.
Those streets!!!!
I really liked this statue art as it commemorated the bravery of families that went west to homestead. Can you imagine leaving everything you knew and "hoping" to find a place to land and establish yourself? Our lives are so much easier. While I am grateful for the conveniences this life offers us, I am not so sure they are always for our good. In our times of abundance, I think we have a tendency to forget the REAL source of our well being is from God. May we be thankful and content (in Christ) in all of our circumstances--whether that is abundance or in need.
A key battle for independence was fought in Nacodoches.
The wind was COLD that day!!!
The best part of road trips when you don't have plans is you can stop and do whatever you want, because it isn't messing up any plans! Here are some stops on our drive to the next town.
Johnny is turning the car around on a random road and I asked him what were doing. He said, I just saw something cool and I want to go back to it. So...old rodeo arena--here we are! The only thing that would have made this better for him is if it smelled like cow manure.
Notice the boots...when we went in the first man-type Western store in a small town a while ago, he had on Chacos and told me, "I am embarrassed to go in here without boots on," lol!! In Nacodoches I am pretty sure he enjoyed hearing them clank down those brick streets!
Our next stop happened in Huntsville, TX.
There was a 4 story antique mall in that town that was loaded with all kinds of finds. Jackson came out with a belt buckle for the belt we bought him while in TX. The bottom, basement floor, was a bit short for John!
After walking around the town, we visited this museum to learn a few things!
Remember our spontaneous Bonnie/Clyde experience? Clyde was a resident of the prison system on multiple occasions. They have several items from the ambush and old newspapers reporting the news on them. Some of these stories will blow your mind.
If you don't know about his guy, Clyde Thompson, go read about him. He was considered the meanest man in Texas due to his brutality and the amount of people he killed. He eventually converted to Christianity. Really, you should go read his story. It gave me a lot to think about.
This was a bit was the real electric chair they used until it was outlawed. There is a section of the museum that shared the last statements of people who were electrocuted and they also included impact statements, sometimes from the victims' families and sometimes from the criminal's family. I was brought to tears reading one of the statements from a mom of the guy being executed. She was asked how it was to know that she was going to be looking at her son alive for the very last time....
The Texas prison system had a large prison rodeo they operated for many years.
Aren't they cute back there!!
So I mentioned earlier one of the benefits of not having a plan when traveling. Now, let me tell you one of the things that maybe is a downside. After Huntsville, we planned to stay overnight in College Station and check out the town the next morning. HOWEVER...when I started checking room rates, they were $250+, and I refuse to pay that for just a bed/overnight stay. So that meant we had to go a little further than we thought we were going because all the surrounding towns raised their rates as well (and it was on a Sat. night when rates are more anyway!) But, no worries--it didn't really interrupt anything as all we had to do was look at the map a bit more. And, besides, the new route and destination took us by the place that is a must stop when you are in TX!
We ended up staying the night in New Braunsfel, TX. Where the deer are abundant through the town and are not startled by your presence! We saw them EVERYWHERE!
And of course, no Texas trip is complete without those longhorns!
Here are a few shots from New Brunsfel.
While here, we went to church at River City Church. A few takeaways from the message regarding the purpose and effectiveness of the church: One way you could go about it is to count noses, nickels, and nice facilities. However, that is all meaningless unless there is true Christ centered love--you know, the big two--love God, love others. John 13:35 says it pretty clearly regarding how others will know if we are his disciples. He then went on to talk about the true purpose of the church, noting it wasn't just to meet physical needs/social helps, but ultimately to share and live out the life changing Gospel. May we be faithful in living out the Gospel, demonstrating his love and sharing the Gospel as we go about!
After church we rode over to the historic district of New Braunsfel called Gruene. One of the coolest areas for sure.
Johnny wanted a Stetson...too bad we have limited space :)
If you ever come to this area, you have to come on the third weekend (which happened to be when we were here).
Local maker markets are my favorite!!! People are so talented!
They are home to the oldest dance hall in the state. We went in and Johnny spun me around a few times. I have no idea why I didn't record that!!!
They had live music at the market/historic area as well. I will say, it was quite cold and there were lots of people here. I really would not want to be here during the spring/summer. It would be a nightmare trying to get around. That is one benefit to traveling in the colder months.
I didn't ride solo on the bike this time. (Picture #3) of the random bikes Johnny finds.
The Guadalupe river runs through town. So after visiting the Gruene area, we went to explore/see the river area.

On the way, we had to make a U-turn to get a shot of this mailbox!
Another random cool building on the way to the river road.
I don't have a picture that does the beauty of this place any justice. The trees with the Spanish moss hanging over the green water of the river was really beautiful. Unfortunately, there aren't any public access places so trying to find a place to look was a bit of a challenge due to all the outfitters being closed for the season. It made me be super grateful for all the public access places we have along the rivers near us.
Colors were hanging down river road as well.
This one was hanging the correct way, I just took a picture from the opposite direction.
For the evening, we drove over to San Antonio, TX for the night. What's happening as we do laundry? Yep--all that Texas music via my favorite (Johnny)!
By the way, have I ever told you all how much I love Johnny? What a beautiful gift God gave to us to be able to share this life together.
I am so grateful that you are sharing this with us. It brings a smile and sometimes a chuckle as I read about all these beautiful memories y’all are making. I love jail stories, brick roads, murals, the west and music! Most of all, I’m sensing a lot of laughter, learning and good times. Y’all are having way too much fun! You will always be so glad you did this! Enjoy!!!! ❤️