2022 Travel Log #7 Texas pt.4

Here are our adventures over the past two days in Kerrville, Texas. Kerrville happens to have a river running through it as well, the Guadalupe River. They have a FANTASTIC outdoor town space with a very long river walk. The sun was setting the first day we went so we tried to get in as much as we could. We walked to the small dam and Jackson wanted to explore some places off the path a little. I have always been fascinated with exposed root systems of trees. I am always reminded of Psalms 1 when I take time to look at trees planted by the water. We even made a discovery while looking around over there. Jackson had a good time trying to identify it. They have one section of the trail all decorated with lights at night. The next day, we explored the rest of the trail. The fall colors were still pretty vibrant in this area. I couldn't imagine how good the pictures would have been if the sun had actually been out! These tress were so beautiful! I wanted to keep taking pictures...