It's Almost Moving Time
And just like that, another season is coming to an end! Over the past few weeks we have entertained a dozen ideas of what we will spend our time doing. For those of you who know us, we never have a very definite laid out plan (those are adventure spoilers to us and a little nightmarish as well--you scheduled Disney loving folks--no hate here--just not our preference for sure)! And hey, we are always open to wherever God wants to place/lead us to at ANYTIME!
In the meantime over the last few weeks here, we checked off a few school field trips in the area. We SO MISS having a group of people to go on field trips and learning adventures with. There are hosts of co-ops around here but they are mostly weekly with reoccurring classes. Because of our schedule of living here, we cannot commit to semester or year terms and to be honest, I had rather teach them academic stuff myself. I hate busy work and the thought of them having to complete mess to fill time/assignments is not thrilling to me in the least! Enough of my sorrow about that. Here are a few pictures from some of our adventures.
Rock City
I had to capture a picture of the recreation of this story for sure. I cannot tell you how many times I read this to both of the boys. It was one of their favorites for sure!
WHY...JUST WHY? Because these two guys would for sure have us off the trail exploring if there were no signs restricting it. To be honest, I think the sign almost tempts them even more! The best exploration happens off the trails--I am sure that is their motto. I have followed Johnny off the trail countless times over the past 22 years! I have loved EVERY MINUTE of it!
Ruby Falls
Their current display included the 3rd largest taxidermy collection. A guy bought a local hanger and when he opened it, he found all the animals. It was unreal--most of the animals were full size and not just a bust. There were all kinds of animals.
Just so you know...when it is warm and quiet and Johnny gets still--this is what happens. He can even do it sitting up and he really doesn't care where we are--no place is off limits for a little snooze!

I went to a women's conference in Birmingham with a group of women. The company was great. But to be honest, the conference created/continued a war in my spirit in which I am still trying to process and make sense of. One day last week Johnny walked all over the property we live on with me as I continued to process my thoughts, feelings, and look through the lens of scripture. For my friends who study theology you will for sure understand. I really have a hard time processing preferences/methodology versus the true intent of the Gospel. I am afraid it has become so self/people centered and so focused on creating emotional responses/feelings/hype/motivation that the true sacrificial calling of Christ is almost non-existent in American culture. And to balance that thought--it is not an academic calling either in which reading all the books written by theologians makes you an expert. I have got to stop. I could keep writing about the condition of Christianity for a long time. I have been warring not to write about all of this publicly as I try to continue to work it all out myself. In the meantime, just know I feel more and more like an alien and I am perfectly ok with that.
In the meantime over the last few weeks here, we checked off a few school field trips in the area. We SO MISS having a group of people to go on field trips and learning adventures with. There are hosts of co-ops around here but they are mostly weekly with reoccurring classes. Because of our schedule of living here, we cannot commit to semester or year terms and to be honest, I had rather teach them academic stuff myself. I hate busy work and the thought of them having to complete mess to fill time/assignments is not thrilling to me in the least! Enough of my sorrow about that. Here are a few pictures from some of our adventures.
Rock City
I had to capture a picture of the recreation of this story for sure. I cannot tell you how many times I read this to both of the boys. It was one of their favorites for sure!
WHY...JUST WHY? Because these two guys would for sure have us off the trail exploring if there were no signs restricting it. To be honest, I think the sign almost tempts them even more! The best exploration happens off the trails--I am sure that is their motto. I have followed Johnny off the trail countless times over the past 22 years! I have loved EVERY MINUTE of it!
Ruby Falls
One day in history we studied the life and work of Nanyehi (Nancy Ward), a prominent and respected leader within the Cherokee tribe. Her contributions were incredible! After learning about her we visited her gravesite which is right down the road from us.
5 Points Museum
Their current display included the 3rd largest taxidermy collection. A guy bought a local hanger and when he opened it, he found all the animals. It was unreal--most of the animals were full size and not just a bust. There were all kinds of animals.
Just so you know...when it is warm and quiet and Johnny gets still--this is what happens. He can even do it sitting up and he really doesn't care where we are--no place is off limits for a little snooze!
These pictures are several weeks old as you can tell by Jackson's hair! When we moved in April of 2018, he started letting his hair grow out. He decided he didn't like having to take care of it--so off it went!

Johnny and I have enjoyed catching the sunset at Chilhowee several evenings.
I went to a women's conference in Birmingham with a group of women. The company was great. But to be honest, the conference created/continued a war in my spirit in which I am still trying to process and make sense of. One day last week Johnny walked all over the property we live on with me as I continued to process my thoughts, feelings, and look through the lens of scripture. For my friends who study theology you will for sure understand. I really have a hard time processing preferences/methodology versus the true intent of the Gospel. I am afraid it has become so self/people centered and so focused on creating emotional responses/feelings/hype/motivation that the true sacrificial calling of Christ is almost non-existent in American culture. And to balance that thought--it is not an academic calling either in which reading all the books written by theologians makes you an expert. I have got to stop. I could keep writing about the condition of Christianity for a long time. I have been warring not to write about all of this publicly as I try to continue to work it all out myself. In the meantime, just know I feel more and more like an alien and I am perfectly ok with that.
In October, we enjoyed a little nostalgia as we walked around on our property in MS and drove through familiar roads going to the courthouse to get a tag for Johnny's truck. This little country store is a mile down the road. While it sure feels different not seeing Mr. Harold sitting out on that bench or Ms. Helen sitting behind the counter, it was great seeing that the doors were still open. We munched on some hoop cheese that we had sliced off while we there. When we were building our house, you could get a sandwich and drink for $1.50 (tax included)! One of my favorite memories here was on 911. You know we all went crazy thinking gas was going to be non-existent or sky-rocket in price so everybody tried to fill up. On my way in from work, I drove down to the store (we always got our gas there) and there was a long line waiting for the pumps. Ms. Helen came outside of the store and pointed at certain people in the line telling them to get out of line and leave. If you had not done business with her in the past, you were not getting gas from her that day!
I am currently awaiting my guys to return from the river. They took their final trip down today with three other friends for the season. It was John's first trip down this season. He was a little nervous. He reassured himself by saying, "The dr. said it was ok. We specifically asked." I am sure when they return, his confidence in the water will have returned as well. And just like this time last year, we are a little saddened it is time to leave. We will continue to enjoy our last days here and will look forward to the path we travel over the next few months. We should be returning here sometime in April.
Time passes so quickly. That is why it is absolutely necessary that we cling to the things that provide real value and throw aside all the things that are meaningless. We still cling to the big 2--Love God, Love People.
Live a Meaningful Life!
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