It's Almost Moving Time

And just like that, another season is coming to an end! Over the past few weeks we have entertained a dozen ideas of what we will spend our time doing. For those of you who know us, we never have a very definite laid out plan (those are adventure spoilers to us and a little nightmarish as well--you scheduled Disney loving folks--no hate here--just not our preference for sure)! And hey, we are always open to wherever God wants to place/lead us to at ANYTIME! In the meantime over the last few weeks here, we checked off a few school field trips in the area. We SO MISS having a group of people to go on field trips and learning adventures with. There are hosts of co-ops around here but they are mostly weekly with reoccurring classes. Because of our schedule of living here, we cannot commit to semester or year terms and to be honest, I had rather teach them academic stuff myself. I hate busy work and the thought of them having to complete mess to fill time/assignments is not thrilling...