Some Things I Have Learned (so far) in My Forties

Since I have spent a whole year now in the 40's I have learned a few things. First off, let me be clear. I love my life. I love our circumstances. I would NEVER wish to be younger. But having said that, here are some things I have learned not to do and some things I have learned that no one seemed to have told me:

A few months ago we were going somewhere in Johnny's truck. For some reason I pulled the visor down and glanced in the mirror. Shocker...lines were everywhere. I thought the kids must have marked all over me with a pencil without my knowledge somehow. Seriously, I knew I had a couple of forehead lines and small crow's feet. BUT the things I saw in that mirror! Whew! Lesson learned--quit using natural lighting. I all of a sudden appreciated the dim lighting in my camper bathroom! I am glad that Johnny has poor eyesight, even with contacts! So here, a picture that doesn't show all of that!
This past Friday, we spent the day at Lake Winnepesaukah (amusement park) with some of our MS friends, the Morris's. After a few upside down and spinning rides my stomach turned green and eventually, so did Johnny's! We are too old for rides...What? No one told us this was a thing. We just thought our parents chose not to ride stuff when we were kids. Johnny said when we got home he was calling his mom and apologizing to her for having to take him to Libertyland those times. It was 95 degrees...we learned to go only when the water park side is open as well!

Emotional roller coasters...I have heard many menopause stories. BUT no one every told me that many years prior to the official onset of menopause you can experience moods/emotions/thoughts that are foreign. I have struggled for the past several months. I have had thoughts and struggled with things I HAVE NEVER struggled with before. To name a few: feeling inadequate, lack of motivation, body image issues, confidence, questioning my actions/decisions (when they were perfectly fine)....someone told me the other day "Finally, you are a normal female." I am not sure I like it! As I wrote in a post several months back (before I realized these feelings were going to be pervasive), I have learned to cope by having a daily task/goal that I set to accomplish (even if it is very minor) and meditating on the TRUTH about my Creator and purpose when the brain tries to convince me otherwise. 

And lastly, my motivation level to exercise has drastically decreased. Living with the most self-disciplined person on the planet does not help with this. "I am going for a run." EVERY SINGLE DAY, 95 degrees, freezing, pulling a sled tied to you with 2 kids for 2 miles--sure, sick--it will probably make me feel better... I wish I had a 16th of his motivation to exercise. SO, what do I have to do? Make a stupid plan/list. Why? I have no clue--but for some reason, the nerd in me likes crossing that mess off! So, here it goes--that list and the first day of implementation of it was my task to accomplish today! The list has been made, the implementation part...we'll see.

Here are some pictures of some of our adventures lately! Did you know that the lower Ocoee is just a calm float down? You can go in your recreation boat, tube or standup paddle board.

 You can even be towed by your brother!
And there is plenty of "treasure" to find for you explorers. Somehow, these boys left with a paddle board and a tube. They returned with 3 more tubes, a chain, and a hat.
 And of course, the scenery itself is beautiful!
The boys and Johnny did this one evening with a friend we recently made. He and his wife are so kind.

This hike is a very short drive from where we live now.
 Jackson thought this rock looked liked PacMan.
 The hike has several small waterfalls/drops that are just beautiful.

Do you see the progression here? Johnny, then Jackson. Once John decides it is safe he moves on in. We were all reprimanded several times yesterday for walking too close to the edge, stepping in places that were only small hangovers, etc. At one point, we were off the trail exploring and he demanded we leave because "somebody was going to get hurt." He completely trusts his abilities, he just thinks me and Jackson are going to hurt ourselves. He about had a come apart when I lightly touched a dead tree to help me with some leverage. Gotta love John. Please let it be noted: if any of us die or have serious injuries, it will not be because he didn't offer safety instructions!

 This picture below is one of my favorites. I love to see my boys and their daddy smiling at each other and enjoying each other's company. Please know we are normal--by the time we got to the car Johnny had probably yelled a few times at them for being irritating or doing dumb stuff.

Get out. Go explore. Start living out what you say are your priorities. For Johnny and I: Loving God, loving others, and having adventures along the way. Our lives are but a vapor--don't die waiting to live "one day"!

Live a Meaningful Life!
