Our Next "Big" Adventure

We are getting ready once again to leave MS for our next adventure! If you asked me in October what we were going to be doing I would have told you that in March, we would be going back to Thunder Rock Campground to serve the full season (Mar-Oct.) as camp hosts. Oh my goodness, our family had the BEST time this past season. It never crossed our minds that we would not be repeating it for another season. However, our plans have taken a little unexpected turn.

As a matter of fact, that has been a consistent theme since the end of January. February has definitely been a month filled with adversity for our family for sure! Just to recap for memories sake: 1 Broken arm, insurance company and Dr. office fiasco lasting 3 days, unexpected move back to MS from FL, sickness & death of stepmom, John Gannon got sick, Johnny has been battling allergies really bad, I got sick with pretty bad lung complications, truck battery died (did you know that diesel trucks have 2 of those things?), one vehicle (our car has still been in the shop getting repaired due to the guy who ran into Johnny in Dec. in AL!), helping get my dad's house in order and manageable for him, and now he has the flu. I am so hoping we all somehow avoid that one! 

Despite the adversity we have faced this past month, I can honestly say that I am thankful. While life can definitely through us some unexpected circumstances, in the grand scheme of things, it is not that big of a deal and as I mentioned in my last post, they all are purposeful! When I was catastrophizing about a phone call I missed from my pulmonologist during my sickness, my dad shared some wisdom he learned from his mom. He said, "If there is something you can do about what you are worrying about, then get up off your tail and do it. If not, quit worrying about it. It will come out on wash day." I could not get it off my mind that my lungs had worsened or something new was there. Of course, it was after hours on a Friday so I couldn't do anything until the following Monday. While cognitively I know what my dad said is right, it is often hard not to let the worry burden you. 

And speaking of worry, while we are excited about our new adventure, I can't say that I don't wonder. Did we make the right decision? What if we don't like it? What if... it is the exact same questions that swirled around in the brain last April when we left our routine lives of the past 21 years. But just like then, we reasoned, "We will never know if we will like it or not if we don't give it a chance." By October, I'll have all those questioned answered!

As you know Johnny worked as a raft guide for Raft One on the Ocoee last season. After the season was over, they began talking to him about possibly managing another company they owned on the other end of the river. To be honest, at first thought we never really entertained the idea that much. However, with time we kept talking about it, and I think one of the things that was most intriguing was the idea that yet again, we would get to learn and try something new. I have no clue why I feel so much investment in this decision and job. I mean, really, Johnny is the one with the new job. I am sure that I will find a way to be useful around there, being that we will be living on the property. But, it really feels like a family affair. Anyway, I was convinced in January it was final. Johnny was convinced in Nov. I just needed a little more confirmation it was really happening and no one changed their minds before we surrendered our little spot in the forest!

So yes, sometime over the next few days, we will be preparing to leave for TN. Except this time, we will be landing at Big Frog Mountain Outfitters. SO...if you or someone you know is planning a rafting trip this coming season, tell them to give us a call!

In the meantime, I have been listening to marketing podcasts and can I tell you something? Our society is so vain! As a matter of fact, you shouldn't even be reading this blog because I post real life pictures, you know ones that are sometimes blurry or don't flatter the subject. And can I make a confession? If you aren't one of my family members, I never expected you to be reading it. It was created because we have 4 sets of parents. It is easier to write it once instead of trying to make sure we tell everyone the story of our trips/lives. I am always amazed when people talk to me about reading this blog. Who would have ever thought? Not you all, but Americans in general seem to be persuaded so easily with choice words and unrealistic images and claims. If you want to read an interesting book for a nerd (I loved it :), read The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. It is fascinating the gimmicks used to make things such as toothpaste, soap, and Febreeze actually sell in the US. Just to give you a tease, did you know that the bubbles/foaming created when brushing your teeth is completely unnecessary and unrelated to cleaning your teeth? It is an added substance that makes you  "think" you are cleaning your teeth and ultimately reinforces the behavior to keep you "believing!" Oh, and have you tried to look up a recipe online lately? Good grief, I don't care about the two page commentary--just give me ingredients and directions. Sorry, I love human behavior and this kind of stuff is always fascinating to me. I realize I have digressed. So, back to my point, you need some adventure in your life--book a rafting trip at Big Frog! I promise not to use any behavioral manipulation tactics to get you there!

So, here's to a new adventure! 

Here's a throwback to Thunder Rock @2013

Live a Meaningful Life!
