
Showing posts from February, 2019

Our Next "Big" Adventure

We are getting ready once again to leave MS for our next adventure! If you asked me in October what we were going to be doing I would have told you that in March, we would be going back to Thunder Rock Campground to serve the full season (Mar-Oct.) as camp hosts. Oh my goodness, our family had the BEST time this past season. It never crossed our minds that we would not be repeating it for another season. However, our plans have taken a little unexpected turn. As a matter of fact, that has been a consistent theme since the end of January. February has definitely been a month filled with adversity for our family for sure! Just to recap for memories sake: 1 Broken arm, insurance company and Dr. office fiasco lasting 3 days, unexpected move back to MS from FL, sickness & death of stepmom, John Gannon got sick, Johnny has been battling allergies really bad, I got sick with pretty bad lung complications, truck battery died (did you know that diesel trucks have 2 of those things?), o...

Circumstances, Death & Grief

One observation I have made frequently is that hindsight is such a gift. Looking back at events often helps us evaluate our choices or provide meaning/purpose to the things that unfold. A couple of weeks ago when I was unable to get appointments with dr.'s in MS for Jackson in our network in the Biloxi area I didn't understand. I was angry...and to be honest, ready to write every congressperson/senator in our district and opinion pieces for newspapers about the state of our health care system in the U.S. In hindsight,  I can see how foolish and misplaced my anger really was. We would have never thought that we needed to move back home at this exact time so that we could be there during the sickness and ultimate death of our beloved Fran/Gamma. What a gift those doctors' offices gave to our family. Oh, and even a counselor with 20 years of experience would not have been able to predict how valuable reading a book that had a grief theme ( Where the Red Fern Grows ) wou...