Johnny...he is too cool for the silliness. 

We are having some fantastic weather in the forest! Camp fires at night and open windows while you sleep are the best! Last Saturday evening when Jackson and I were coming back to the campground I thought someone may have caught the forest on fire. The campground was full and so many people were sitting around fires this huge billow of smoke was rolling out from the trees onto the highway. The great temps also make for great hiking. We plan to get some miles in before it is time for our departure... Ugh...why do we have to have winter?

Since my last post, our friend Kathy came to visit! The children and I fought for her attention. I usually conceded and just counted my days to my own time with her in November. We are going to a counseling conference in Biloxi. 

And of course, there were adventures with Ted. He took the boys snorkeling a couple of times. On this trip, Jackson found this "treasure."

And John's find. He was determined they were going to get it off the bottom of the river (It was really heavy and had obviously washed down stream from covering a hole near the Whitewater Center). As you can see, they succeeded! He begged me to let him bring it home. He even named it the 10 Commandments and said he wanted to etch stuff on it. He has since told everyone that I will not allow him to bring 10 Commandments into our home. I love his humor! 

The real treasure: that people such as Kathy and Ted (and others) that take the time to invest in the lives of our boys. They are creating lasting memories by taking the time have adventures with them! As a matter of fact, Kathy is playing a video game online with them now. She learned how to play the game so that she could play with them.

The Jolley's came to visit and John (with Bode's assistance) cooked dinner for everyone. It was really good food and company. They all got to go rafting while I took Jackson to a birthday party.

We geared up to do some hiking yesterday. The boys woke up and immediately got started on their school work. They were thrilled when they learned all their learning was going to take place outdoors for the day! They prepared themselves for the task.

For those of you who know John... HE STILL hasn't outgrown the stuffed bugs. He was armed with shaving cream? (seriously), a notebook, a bag of marshmallows, a life straw, a whistle, a knife, some money, and a can of chips.

 Jackson-bare minimum. Water, a whistle, and a snack. (We have the whistles in our bags in case we get separated). That was John Gannon's idea before we even left MS.

We did the Turtletown Falls Loop. It follows a creek and has two different places with waterfalls. The weather, company, and scenery was perfect!

 Johnny challenged us all to walk the plank!

I took the challenge.

Yes, my shirt has a cape! The kids loved it!

Mr. Safety took a few steps, and he was done.

And so did Jackson! I cannot believe I finally did something that they would not!! That Wonder Woman shirt may really work!

We have been having adventures for over 20 years! (Will be married 22 years in April!)

Since we were the only people out, I had to practice taking pictures from my camera remotely using my phone. I was practicing and look how the wind blew that cape! If I had stayed longer, I may have actually taken flight!

The boys joined me and we were waiting on Johnny to join us so we could snap a picture of us all. He had hiked up the mountain to the top of the falls. I will have to practice hiding the phone in the future! Technology is amazing some times.

There we all are!

He had to put the Life Straw to the test.

John Gannon is going to be a giant if he doesn't stop growing. Most people peg him at 16 these days! They are shocked when he tells them he is only 12!

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!! I am so thankful I get to tag along with these guys.

 And my favorite...

Go spend some quality time with your family. They are worth the investment. Nothing you can accumulate, no amount of money, and no other job can even touch their worth! Spend your time doing things that have lasting value. 

Live a Meaningful Life.
