Community Living, Family Rafting, and Dirt Roads

Hello from Thunder Rock everyone! The past couple of weeks have not disappointed! I must first start by shouting: WE ARE ALL INSURED!!!!! Swapping over all of our health insurances which had to be done by August 1st has literally been a nightmarish, learning experience. I started the application process on June 12 and had to stay on the phone on July 30 for a few hours to get it all resolved. I will stop with this quick summary, it definitely highlights the experience: 
Me to the supervisor: "... told me on...that I should have a decision regarding our insurance but I haven't heard back and I am at risk of losing our insurances after tomorrow."
Supervisor: "To be honest, when I realized that your monthly income was going to be difficult to calculate since you are paid over 10 week spans, I closed the folder and decided to wait."

Enough said...Surely that gives you an idea of the frustration I felt for a month and a half! Oh and get this, if I didn't "guess" our end of the year income correctly I will be paying more for the insurance at the end of the year. I hope that I over guessed!

Enough about that mess! On one of Johnny's off days, we explored one side of Frog Mountain. We had heard about the endless gravel roads up there for a while and wanted to check them out. Prior to leaving, Johnny asks me if he should take the chainsaw in case there are downed trees. He said he would hate to get many miles in and have to turn around. Now, why in the world did he ask ME this? I replied, "Yes, yes take the chainsaw. Because if you do not and there is a tree, it will be my fault that you didn't bring the chainsaw." So, the four of us and the chainsaw traveled down the beautiful gravel/mud/stone roads in the forest.
There were lots of beauty to see, from flowing streams to large drop-offs.

 There were plenty of laughs to be had in the truck as well!
And wouldn't you know it. After about and hour and a half, guess what blocks our way to the other side? Yep. No worries, I brought a chainsaw for Johnny to use!!! :) To be honest, I still didn't know how we were going to get the tree moved even if he did cut on it some. It really was a large tree (the part covering the main portion of the road) but I didn't communicate any of that because my 23 years with Johnny has taught me he always figures things out.
 I think even Jackson was a little unsure.
 John went right to work moving what he could.
 Jackson adorned me with a fresh wildflower for the occasion.

 So., the large tree has been sawed in half at this point and the other branches cut and moved. So, guess how we solve the remaining problem...
 I told ya'll he is smart! Who would have thought? Not me...we would have had to turn around.

So, after some work and help from the Dodge, we were on our way. We discovered an abandoned shack along the way.

 We didn't go in, but did have to take a peak inside.

Another day Jackson wanted to go to the "lookover" to watch the sunset. He insists that is what it should be called instead of an overlook.

On another day, we traveled over to North Carolina and took a family rafting trip down the Nantahala!
When we go as a family without other groups of friends, we have to set up a way for our vehicle to be at the end. So Johnny drives it down to where we get out and hitches a ride back up to the start. Jackson always likes to go with him because he says he will get picked up sooner. No doubt his plan works every single time. If Johnny goes alone, it takes him forever to get back up. This time, they were picked up by a family in a mini van who said it was because of Jackson they decided it was ok to stop! In the meantime, John and I had some together time. He wants to do a pull up so BAD. He tries...and tries...He almost gets it at times.
 I look at him at times and cannot believe he is already 12. Time, it is so precious!

 He takes a single ducky down.

 I luck up and get the absolute best guide for my boat! He will die when he sees his little shorty shorts in this picture!

 Jackson "rode the bull" the entire trip down the river.

Johnny and Jackson went for a second trip down because Jackson wanted to start learning to guide. He led the entire way!

 They successfully went down the falls! Jackson was still in the back, it just doesn't look like it due to the angle of this picture.
Back at the campground, we have had lots of families lately. This one night, 16 kids met up at the back of the campground and played soccer. It was a really neat picture of community. Many of the parents had connected during the week. In addition, many others from the campground came around and watched. The adults were thrilled and many even commented how this is how things should be. People from all walks of life connecting and living in community. Four countries were represented among this group!

 I loved seeing the pile of bikes that kids rode to the game! No electronics any where to be seen!

 They played until they couldn't see the ball anymore!
 Here are a few that I rounded up as everyone was dispersing back to their spots for the night.
This is one thing that I love about campground living--the sense of community. Every week we connect with new people. We get to share stories, discuss life and worldviews, and inspire and encourage one another. Everyone has time. Time to sit and listen. Time to enjoy the smiles of the people they are around. Time to stay an extra day if they want. Every week I see people making an effort to help others or we get to help out. All four of us have always said we would love to have lived during more primitive times. When neighbors and family lived in community with one another. When families worked together to eat and have shelter. We at least get to experience a glimpse of that here. 

Get this...People sometimes thank us for cleaning the restrooms. I have never in my life thought to do that, have you? Do you think about the person who cleans the restrooms you use? Maybe it is a single dad who is doing all he can to provide for his family. Maybe it is a college student trying to have enough money to buy that overpriced book. Maybe it is a highly educated family who decided to live a slower paced life for a while. Regardless, someone does it. So many people do things around us on a daily basis and we are too busy to stop and be thoughtful. I thanked the lady in the post office the other day for always being so kind and helping me when I have questions. As a matter of fact, she was so kind when we moved here and wanted to make sure we had a "special" PO box number. She looked over our paperwork and picked out 662 for us (MS's area code). 

Take the time. Listen to those around you. Share a story or a smile. Give some thought about people who do things you may have never acknowledged. Love God! Love others!

Live a Meaningful Life!
