Last Week in the Forest
This picture was made in our backyard! It is the view I see out of our kitchen/living area every single morning. Seeing the handiwork of God in creation every single morning is so good for the soul. However, you do not have to be in the forest to see this, it is evident everywhere. But, I am so thankful for our current view!
We continued our current trend of visitors! Last week my mom, Mitch (step-dad), and Memaw came for a visit. The laughter was definitely a trend for the week. Within minutes, Memaw went into their camper and couldn't figure out how to get out. Mom and I heard her laughing hysterically. She finally hollered out that she didn't know how to get out! She and the boys really connected with their sense of humor!
The mandatory generational picture.She was a trooper! In this shot, she didn't want to take a risk climbing down the rocks where we took the boys scuba diving. She decided to sit in the chair at the top. However, she was quite worried a vehicle was going to hit her (she was protected by a guard rail protected bike lane). In addition, she was worried that she might get stolen! I think she was glad when the thunder started rolling in!
Mom and Mitch.
It was great visiting with family in the forest. The day they left, their site was occupied by some of our friends, the Lavanways!
The boys all enjoyed river jumping, swimming, and playing all kinds of random games they created on the fly! Mollie cooked me several great meals using the pebbles outside! Josh and Amy were able to go rafting with Johnny one day. In addition to the Lavanways, we also spent a good bit of time with a new family we met at the campground. It just so happens they live around the Jackson, MS area. Meet the McNairs!
At any given time, you could walk outside and hear the sweetest sounds of these boys playing laser tag and running around the campground. We enjoyed having adult company and conversation through the week as well! Miles was able to go rafting with Johnny and the Lavanways. On another day, all of the guys (ours and the McNairs) went on a zip lining trip. Johnny is not only a raft guide but a Sky Ranger as well (leads zip line tours)! Did I mention how much he loves his job?
Jackson, Major, & Cullen.
After 21 years of marriage, I still look at Johnny and think wow! I am so thankful he is my husband!
As for other forest news, while visiting a church yesterday we were FINALLY able to connect with some sports available in the area. Three days this week they are attending a football camp. Practice starts next week--they will officially be Copper Basin Cougars! They are excited and in the meantime, we are on the hunt today for two pair of cleats!
I CANNOT believe it is almost August! We are gearing up to start a more structured (kind of) homeschool routine next week. I feel like we have blinked and our time here is already half way over!
The boys and I are volunteers for the upcoming Ocoee River Championship events Aug. 24-26. We are slalom event gate judges and whistleblowers for other events. It should be an exciting weekend. In September, both boys are considering entering a mountain bike race on the trail system where we are.
Well, off to hunt some cleats!!
Live a Meaningful Life!
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