Intentional Living
The other night Johnny asked me where I would like to be, and what I would like to be doing 10 years from now. Honestly, I have no clue what I even said in response. But, the thought has lingered. It has become a driving force behind a couple of recent book choices and a consistent topic mentioned in prayer. The Bible is consistent in the message of how we are to live. Here are few examples:
- Ephesians 5:15-17 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.
- Proverbs 4:26-27 Ponder the path of your feet and let your ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor the left. Keep your foot from evil.
- Proverbs 5:21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his goings.
Here is what I do know about my life: I want to live a life that honors Christ. I want my words and actions to be a reflection of Him. Whatever I am doing, wherever I go, that is my main goal. So, what about this 10 year stuff? As I have pondered my life, in particularly the last 22 (the adult years), I realized that when I have been intentional with my choices, I have liked the result better. While I told you that I have a clear focus spiritually, I cannot say I have that same intensity and focus with my health, career, parenting, money just life in general.
When reviewing our married history, I can see how living intentionally in some of those areas I just listed has forever altered the course of our lives. For example, sometime around 2004 we made the decision to start living intentionally with our money. I skeptically made a plan (with the help of Dave Ramsey's book) that was hopefully going to lead us to debt free living. It turns out there are lots of naysayers out there. I can't tell you how many times I heard "it is just not possible these days. "It all sounds good, but it will not work." Slowly, we intentionally made choices with our money. We made it obey us for a long term goal. At the time, we really just liked the idea of not owing money to anyone and reasoned it would help us be able to give more to help others. Little did we know at the time, those few years of intentional choices would have a huge ripple effect in our future. Little did I know that God was literally going to "call me home" to homeschool my children. In 2005 when John Gannon was born, I would have laughed really hard if you had suggested I would be a home-schooling mom. (Not because I was opposed--I just never even considered it. It takes two incomes these days, right?)
A few years ago Johnny and I chose to be more intentional about our food choices. We cut out frying things at home way before this but our consumption of sugar and things from boxes and bags was very high. We did excellent for about a year and a half, and as a result of those intentional choices, we felt great, was lean, and actually didn't even like the taste of highly processed foods. I preferred a handful of nuts or a piece of fruit to a cupcake (the one with the highest pile of icing!) But let me tell you, this past year (after July specifically) we let our guard down and did not make intentional choices. The result--squishier bodies--more than every before and feeling "blah!"
Parenting. We get one shot and then, just like that, it is done. I am often overwhelmed when I think of all the things my children need to "know" before they are on their on. I often lecture way too much and try to make everything into a "teachable" moment. The truth is, I want them to know and rest assured in only a few things: that Johnny and I love God with our whole hearts, that we love them in spite of their choices, and we are present. Yes, did you catch that present part? I do not mean in the same room, on the sidelines...I mean willing to talk about the hard stuff, willing to offer encouragement and discipline when necessary, willing to engage in jovial play, willing to sit down without a piece of technology at arms length...while it may sound like doing these things while parenting should be easy, I promise it takes intentional choices for those thing to occur.
My point? Making intentional choices leads to a better outcome. Getting up in the morning, going through a routine "just because," and expecting things to change, well, good luck with that. I challenge you to pray, seek the will of God, and take action. Intentional actions!
P.S. For those of you who know me personally, you know I love a good list. So guess what is in the making? A 5-year evaluation tool. I am creating a chart that includes the areas of my life in which I think need some intentional actions! So, when I am sitting around wondering what to do, I can have some options instead of wasting my time in a chair or staring at a screen!
Live A Meaningful Life!
A few years ago Johnny and I chose to be more intentional about our food choices. We cut out frying things at home way before this but our consumption of sugar and things from boxes and bags was very high. We did excellent for about a year and a half, and as a result of those intentional choices, we felt great, was lean, and actually didn't even like the taste of highly processed foods. I preferred a handful of nuts or a piece of fruit to a cupcake (the one with the highest pile of icing!) But let me tell you, this past year (after July specifically) we let our guard down and did not make intentional choices. The result--squishier bodies--more than every before and feeling "blah!"
Parenting. We get one shot and then, just like that, it is done. I am often overwhelmed when I think of all the things my children need to "know" before they are on their on. I often lecture way too much and try to make everything into a "teachable" moment. The truth is, I want them to know and rest assured in only a few things: that Johnny and I love God with our whole hearts, that we love them in spite of their choices, and we are present. Yes, did you catch that present part? I do not mean in the same room, on the sidelines...I mean willing to talk about the hard stuff, willing to offer encouragement and discipline when necessary, willing to engage in jovial play, willing to sit down without a piece of technology at arms length...while it may sound like doing these things while parenting should be easy, I promise it takes intentional choices for those thing to occur.
My point? Making intentional choices leads to a better outcome. Getting up in the morning, going through a routine "just because," and expecting things to change, well, good luck with that. I challenge you to pray, seek the will of God, and take action. Intentional actions!
P.S. For those of you who know me personally, you know I love a good list. So guess what is in the making? A 5-year evaluation tool. I am creating a chart that includes the areas of my life in which I think need some intentional actions! So, when I am sitting around wondering what to do, I can have some options instead of wasting my time in a chair or staring at a screen!
Live A Meaningful Life!
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