5 Things I Wish Women Would Resolve to Stop Doing in 2017

1. Maintaining an appearance--wait before I lose you, hear me out. We almost all have some areas within our lives where we do things to give an impression or to conform with some unspoken norms in the social circles in which we operate. Let me give you 2 examples from my own life. When my oldest son was ready to start kindergarten he wanted a backpack with a superhero on it-you know, the ones from Walmart. Well, I knew he needed something different, really unique with maybe his name sewn on-or better yet, maybe a really expensive unique outdoor brand. I am not kidding! I ALMOST did a little manipulating by taking him to a store and having him pick his backpack out at "this" store. I was shocked when I realized my real intent. I was already prepping him to play the "name tag" game at school. It has been a long time since I was in public school, but I still remember how bad I wanted all my jeans to have the triangle with with the ?. And just for the record, my son carried a shiny new Spiderman backpack with him to kindergarten.

Another time, I remember going over to some friends' house when we all had toddler aged children. I remember sitting on their couch looking around, wondering where all the clutter of toys and random things were. I finally just broke the silence and asked. She laughed and said, "Well, before ya'll came over we picked it all up and jammed it in the closet. Good grief, I can't tell you how many times I/we have done this. For the most part, we keep a clean house, but there are times my counters need ridding of the stuff and my floors need sweeping. How about just taking a deep breathe and enjoying the anticipation of company...people...relationships...quit letting all these stupid tasks rob you of the joy.

2. Worrying about what another person is eating or not eating--Another confession here...For the most part, I dislike attending large gatherings of women where there will be food. If I chose not to eat, at least 40% of the women in attendance are going to encourage me to or question my choice not to eat. If I chose to eat a small plate of food, there will be comments as well. "Are you not that hungry?" "Girl, you have got to eat more than than." And if I choose to overindulge, there will be the 'how do you eat that much and stay so thin' question almost every time. Please know that you can have a quality gathering without food (really, it is NOT that big of a deal) and that if you are having food, please avoid the commentary, it just is not necessary.

3.  Becoming silent when someone makes some progress toward a goal or success Women are often quick to encourage others to take risks and accomplish goals. But I often notice a shift when someone actually starts having a little success or accomplishing that goal. The cheerleaders are gone. The people who were once completely invested are out. I just recently watched this happen with a friend. Let's support each other. Encourage others to reach goals, take risks, and accomplish things. AND when that person starts making progress, let's continue to be there, offering support and encouragement instead of becoming silent!

4. Quit making such a big deal out of things I thought Christmas was a time of joy, reflection, a reminder of hope, a meaningful day of worship. If I had no clue what Christmas was about and only read the posts on Facebook and blogs that I read this year, I would think it was the most awful time of the year. Good grief, if you are too busy, stop it! Cross things off. If there are too many gifts to buy-quit buying! Stop playing the "I have got to get ... a gift because..." All the "busy"ness, gifts, and endless tasks just end up leaving you feeling empty. How about cherishing relationships and being present with people over the presents that only provide a moment of excitement.

Back to my original point, we often take things and exaggerate so much it just gets ridiculous. Just talk to me after I get off the phone with customer service...you will get an ear full. But the truth is, is just is not that big of a deal. And when I want to whine and carry on about my health issues, I get it-we all want sympathy. But the fact is, none of my whining or carrying on has done anything good for me. Let's stop making mountains out of molehills and use our words to express things of much more importance.

5. Gossiping I realize it almost immediately once it comes out of mouth. Ugh, why is it such a struggle? I honestly do not want my words to be used to cause hurt, destroy, or tear down anyone. But I sometimes struggle. I long for my words seek to uplift, inspire, encourage, and bring hope. We all could probably use a little shaping up here.

I love the start of a new year. l love reflection on the past and thinking about the future. However, in the process of all that, I never want to forget to live in the present!

Oh, and my goals are pretty much the same as last year: 
1. Reflect Christ more.
2. Continue to make improvements with my diet (eating cleaner--real things)
3. Love deeper.
4. Be present-not just pretending.
5. Let others know how they have impacted me.
6. FIND A MEANS OF INCOME SO WE CAN LIVE ON THE ROAD FOR A YEAR (This will be a huge regret if we never do it...I am sure of it!)

Live a Meaningful Life!
