5 Things I Wish Women Would Resolve to Stop Doing in 2017

1. Maintaining an appearance --wait before I lose you, hear me out. We almost all have some areas within our lives where we do things to give an impression or to conform with some unspoken norms in the social circles in which we operate. Let me give you 2 examples from my own life. When my oldest son was ready to start kindergarten he wanted a backpack with a superhero on it-you know, the ones from Walmart. Well, I knew he needed something different, really unique with maybe his name sewn on-or better yet, maybe a really expensive unique outdoor brand. I am not kidding! I ALMOST did a little manipulating by taking him to a store and having him pick his backpack out at "this" store. I was shocked when I realized my real intent. I was already prepping him to play the "name tag" game at school. It has been a long time since I was in public school, but I still remember how bad I wanted all my jeans to have the triangle with with the ?. And just for the record, my so...