9:00 Soap and a Trampoline Campout
I have been out of home made soap for a while and my skin can definitely tell it! When I use the soap I make at home, I do not have to use lotion. For the past 2 months, I have had to use lotion and my skin is still dry! I have been wanting to try making hot process soap for a while. Around 7:30 tonight, I guess I finally found the motivation. I drug out the box of soap making supplies and just like that--it happened. Well, at this point I suppose it has happened. I'll know more tomorrow. The trickiest part was guessing when to pour it. I looked at pictures and read, comparing my crockpot of soap to those who took the time to document their efforts online. I hope it turns out, if so, this is definitely going to be my preferred method--it was much easier to me and the fact it doesn't have to sit for weeks to cure is an added bonus! Here is a picture of it after I poured it into the mold. I added some lemon and lime essential oils (it was the only 2 I had in the house) and some oatmeal for exfoliant. I am anxious to see if the essential oils actually leave the soap scented. I read that they usually do better making the soap with this method. Regardless, I will have REAL soap, scented or not. I used olive and coconut oils for the base, lye and water.
Speaking of adventures, all three of the guys in the house are "camping" out on the trampoline tonight. They came in while I was getting the soap making things together and gathered sleeping bags, fleece blankets, and toboggans. I am interested to see if they all make it through the night. As John Gannon was leaving, he stuck his head back in the door and said, "If I wake up and dad has went inside, I am coming too." I just went outside and got a picture. I am not quite sure where John's head is? He is in the green sleeping bag. They are all sound to sleep!
For some reason, I keep staring at the picture and just cherishing the moment. You know, that is really all we have, just moments of time we spend here on earth. I want my moments to count and be meaningful. I don't want to be facing death one day due to disease or age and realize that my moments were wasted pursuing things that were worthless. It takes time and effort. Johnny was extremely tired tonight. He and a friend left Tues. and kayaked a river in Al, spent the night in a vehicle, and Johnny kayaked/ played in a waterfall today. He could have just told the boys no. He had to go upstairs and get sleeping bags out. It all has to be put back up tomorrow. He will have another night of interrupted sleep...but it is all worth it. An adventure with his sons, well, you just can't put a price on it. The boys will talk about it for weeks I am sure.
For those of you who are interested in reading what I write, if you did not know already I am also starting to write a more focused, tri-weekly blog (Mon./Wed./Fri.). You can keep up with the blog several ways: via the Facebook page by clicking here and then liking the page, follow us on Twitter by clicking here and then clicking the follow button, and by bookmarking or going directly to the blog website Click here to go directly to the Meaning Builders site and then click the blog tab. The blog you are currently reading will still exist, and will be where I continue writing about our family adventures and stuff we do around our house, for now at least!
Remember to make time to make your moments meaningful. (Every Monday on the new blog, ideas will be shared of how to take a few minutes and do something meaningful!)
Live a Meaningful Life!
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