"He Walks With Purpose"
Monday morning Jackson wanted to go for an early swim at the hotel. He led me down the elevator to the bottom floor and up the escalator to the second floor. Yes, the elevator stops at the second floor, it just isn't nearly as fun. We rounded the corner and made our way to the pool. I chatted briefly with the ladies doing aerobics in the pool and made my way to a nice cushiony chair. Jackson splashed, jumped and swam around. I would often hear "Hey, Mom, watch this!" I watched and cheered as he performed his antics.
After some time had passed I noticed that one of the ladies doing aerobics was walking towards me. She smiled politely as I made eye contact and said, "Let me start this conversation by saying you have a very beautiful child." My mind started racing as she dried some water beads off of her legs. "What in the world did he do that I missed? What has he said?" I even muttered a quick prayer, something similar to, "Oh Lord, please don't let it be too bad." She continued and said, "I just had to share with you that I noticed that your son walks with purpose. He isn't aimlessly walking around this place like I see most kids doing. He knows his business, and he takes care of it. He has purpose and he wears it. You are a blessed mother."
Wow. "He walks with purpose." She is exactly right. So for the rest of our stay I have been able to reframe lots of our interactions. For example, yesterday when we were eating and he passionately proclaimed his wants. I just smiled and thought, "He speaks with purpose as well."
Of course, there is nothing more heart warming than for a mom to hear something positive about her children. But I let the kind stranger's comment stir in my soul. I began to wonder if I clearly walk with purpose. Can others see that I do live for a purpose? I am not aimlessly wondering around this planet just taking up space, hopelessly just living for whatever I want. I want to live a life that communicates Christ to others. What does that look like these days? Go scroll Facebook and you will see all kinds of debates of what that means. We all could debate until we are in the grave about the meaning and purpose (or lack thereof) of life. The truth is, we will all never agree.
In the meantime, I just plan on continuing to live a life that has purpose and meaning. What does that look like? I don't have a checklist, just a guide book (The Bible), a guide (The Holy Spirit), and some other people who care enough about me to help make me sharper when I get a little a dull.
Live a Meaningful Life!
Wow. "He walks with purpose." She is exactly right. So for the rest of our stay I have been able to reframe lots of our interactions. For example, yesterday when we were eating and he passionately proclaimed his wants. I just smiled and thought, "He speaks with purpose as well."
Of course, there is nothing more heart warming than for a mom to hear something positive about her children. But I let the kind stranger's comment stir in my soul. I began to wonder if I clearly walk with purpose. Can others see that I do live for a purpose? I am not aimlessly wondering around this planet just taking up space, hopelessly just living for whatever I want. I want to live a life that communicates Christ to others. What does that look like these days? Go scroll Facebook and you will see all kinds of debates of what that means. We all could debate until we are in the grave about the meaning and purpose (or lack thereof) of life. The truth is, we will all never agree.
In the meantime, I just plan on continuing to live a life that has purpose and meaning. What does that look like? I don't have a checklist, just a guide book (The Bible), a guide (The Holy Spirit), and some other people who care enough about me to help make me sharper when I get a little a dull.
Live a Meaningful Life!
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