The Wild West Adventure
Our original intention this summer was to stay gone the entire 2 months of June and July but with Jackson breaking his arm that kind of had to change our plans. We were going to explore the Western side of our country. On July 6th Jackson got his final cast off, and we started the great discussion of how to make the most of the final 2 weeks of complete freedom. Should we go where we know we will enjoy or risk going a thousand miles away, looking for cool things, riding-trying to figure out how to get in the water/how to get out, etc. For those of you non-river sports people--that in itself is a huge task! Anyway, we chose to just go. Johnny picked out a few towns to stop in but that was it--we had no places in mind to camp/sleep and had no clue where/what to hike or how in the world to go down any whitewater. So, here is how it turned out... As many of you know, Johnny and I are quite the opposite in personality. One of those differences is in the way we organize. To save some ...