We Have Officially Been Declared an Unsafe Family

We have been busy with all kinds of things the last few weeks. But instead of rehashing all the activity and detailing all the fun, I'll get to the point. This past Wednesday night we had Bible study at Saltillo Park and right at the end, Jackson fell off of one of the pieces of play equipment and broke his ulna and radius (forearm bones).  John Gannon was spending the night with his Granny and he missed the episode. I am really thankful. There is no telling how he would have reacted. He asks me to see the picture of Jackson's arm pretty frequently but gets all queasy and moans some sickening sound and says, "Oh, I just can't look at it anymore." As I have written before, he is the safety patrol for our family. The first thing he asked me when he heard about it was "What are the rules with Jackson now?"

I cannot tell you how many questions he has asked about the incident. He has been going through various scenarios and how we should respond. It sure is a good thing for him I know the benefit of allowing children to process events.  Last night, Jackson asked if he would be able to get fully in the bathtub for a bath when he gets his hard cast. Johnny said, "Yes, we'll just put it in a plastic bag and make sure it doesn't get wet." Immediately JG responds and says, "No, that is too risky. I don't like that. We aren't going to do that."  Johnny and I couldn't help but smile at each other and cherish his concern he was displaying.

This morning, Jackson was resting really well and I asked JG to join me on the back porch. As we were rocking and enjoying the breeze, he expressed feeling a little scared about going to camp at the end of this month. I was kind of shocked, because he LOVES it. So our conversation went something like this:

Me: Scared? Tell me about your fears.
JG: I am just scared. Who knows what will happen? The fact is, ya'll are just not safe without me.
Me: What? You think we are unsafe?
JG: Yes. Ya'll need me to make sure unsafe things don't happen.

Gotta love him. We just got back from a quick little spin around the neighborhood in search of Johnny who was out running while a little thunderstorm popped up. If I got over 25mph John was telling me to slow down. "You are driving wild. You can't go fast with Jackson in here. If you touch your brakes this road is wet and Jackson will fly up and hurt his arm again." He finally quieted down for a few minutes, and I decided I would try to get up to 30...Nope, he wasn't having it. "Did you not understand--you have got to keep Jackson safe. Slow back down!"

Well, it is going to be a LONG 4-6 weeks around here. Maybe we can learn to tame our "wild" living enough to satisfy John Gannon. Gotta love him...here are some things that are off limits he says:

No Bull Riding...

No Wrestling--Johnny pointed out that if we toned it down a little it would be ok once he got the hard cast on.  John wanted no part of that--he would have a built in weapon--no thanks! 

No Swimming or even taking a bath in the tub :)

No climbing on anything!

I am almost positive by the time this experience ends we will be able to add several things to this list. In the meantime, we will be busy continuing to live a safer Meaningful Life, thanks to John Gannon! We love these kids so much!
