Snapshot of the Latest Brain Activity
I have to admit I have been avoiding writing a blog post lately. I have had lots on my mind and have been experiencing some emotions that are new to me. So, in an attempt to think more clearly and understand some of this, I have avoided clicking the keys. I do not intend today to vomit the past few months of thoughts and emotions up, I just want to share some of the random things that have occupied my cognitive space lately. Oh, and they are in no particular order.
- What is the difference between a judgment and an opinion? I have an opinion about a whole lot of things and guess what--so do you. I am sure we would agree on some and differ on others. I mean, that is true with EVERY relationship that exists. At what point does your differing opinion become a judgment? Just because I do not participate in something or give you a high five for everything-does not mean I am passing judgement. A few weeks ago I heard someone express an opinion about something that is really dear to my heart. They even went so far to call it stupid and really downgrade it to the point I guess I should have been offended..? But I wasn't...I'll agree the person could have been a little wiser about how they communicated their belief/opinion but that stuff just doesn't get me bent out of shape for some reason. I have had this conversation with many over the past few months and some say it becomes judgment when you treat someone different based on your opinion/belief. While I will agree to some extent, what I have found to be true on many occasions is that when a belief/opinion is expressed because it is near/dear to one they take it as judgment. Take my prior example, I could have been hurt, offended...I mean, the person did call me stupid basically to my face and went on a little further. But it is fine-the words I heard mulled in my head for a little while, caused me to think deeply about a few things and that was it. Another person that I have had this conversation said that she felt opinion-judgment operated on a continuum based on the way it is communicated. Another person said it becomes judgment based on how the other person feels when it is communicated. What are your thoughts?
- Which brings me to thought #2. Since when has it been wise to base decisions on feelings? Now before I completely discount the notion, I value intuition and the affective arena. It just seems to me that we are moving to an overly feeling based society. Just cut on your TV and see if MasterCard tries to convince you that you deserve to have an extra day of relaxation at a resort. I am sure they don't go too cognitive and tell you about what happens when the bill comes at the end of the month. Go to a car lot to just "look." Those salesmen never tell you the total once you multiply the monthly payment X the number of years. Just remember-you need that new car and how good it will feel when you drive it around...Right? They didn't talk to me the other day so I am not going back (who cares if you made an effort to be social or not, right? It is always up to the other person to make YOU FEEL..._). I could go on forever here in several arenas of life, but you get the jest.
- Thought # 3. Have you ever cared about something so much and one day you wake up and realize that those around you, who may even be involved in the same thing with you just really do not? I have really been trying to work through some new emotions I have been experiencing lately over about 3 areas in my life and I finally realized I have been grieving and bouncing back and forth through the cycles (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Finally-Acceptance). You see, you can grieve over many things. Basically, anything you see as a loss in your life is open to the grieving process. I have lost some things over the past few months that were important to me, and I realized I have just been grieving. FINALLY, my feelings and thoughts make so much more sense.

- Someone asked me the other day about our satisfaction with our phone service (Republic Wireless) Our 2 smartphones cost us exactly $24.98/month! We have by far had better service every day since our switch. We just really regret not switching sooner! For what we save every year, we could actually by 2 of their phones every year and still be to the good! We have had service in places we have never had service before.
- Tomorrow, eighteen years ago (1997), Johnny and I got married. I do love him more today than I did then, even though I thought that would be impossible. He is my very best friend, my constant support, my mechanic, my repairman, my babies' daddy, my protector here on earth, my motivator, and countless other things. My only regret-not marrying him sooner! Yes, we were both 'youngens' but life sure did get good when we got married, and it just keeps getting better. I pray everyday that my boys will be the same example of a man that Johnny has been and is! Women, love and appreciate your man! Live a Meaningful Life!
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