Snapshot of the Latest Brain Activity
I have to admit I have been avoiding writing a blog post lately. I have had lots on my mind and have been experiencing some emotions that are new to me. So, in an attempt to think more clearly and understand some of this, I have avoided clicking the keys. I do not intend today to vomit the past few months of thoughts and emotions up, I just want to share some of the random things that have occupied my cognitive space lately. Oh, and they are in no particular order. What is the difference between a judgment and an opinion? I have an opinion about a whole lot of things and guess what--so do you. I am sure we would agree on some and differ on others. I mean, that is true with EVERY relationship that exists. At what point does your differing opinion become a judgment? Just because I do not participate in something or give you a high five for everything-does not mean I am passing judgement. A few weeks ago I heard someone express an opinion about something that is really dear to my h...