One Small Change=Large Savings

For the past two years Johnny and I have been researching cell phone plans/companies. Many years ago, when we upgraded to smart phones, we just added 2 lines onto my dad's service and paid him monthly.  Honestly, even though we got a little discount because we were added to their existing line, I despised having to pay so much just to have phone service.  However, there didn't seem to be any better options around.  One of the blogs that I read occasionally about frugality/retiring young, etc. introduced us to Republic Wireless.  You can go and check them out, I won't go into all the specifics of how the company works but we've been reading and considering it now for two years. This week, we took the plunge.  The results...

For the first time in years I can have a conversation on my cellphone anywhere in my house. We ordered one phone to practice with (they have a 30 day money back guarantee) but by the next day, we ordered the 2nd phone.

So, how much will we be saving?  This year-because we had to purchase the phones, we will be saving $336.  However, every year after that in which we don't purchase phones (we keep them until they just don't operate anymore) we will save $924/year!!!! Our bill for 2 smartphones is a whopping $23.00/month ($22 and some change). Too good to be true--Nope-I have already paid the 1st bill-since there is no contract you pay upfront for the month.

I'll be honest, I was a little sad parting with the iPhone. I loved the simple format and the thought of having to covert music from iTunes to GooglePlay did not excite me! However, my fears are gone! Converting to Android has been easy. All of our contacts, music and calendars are on our new phones already. It was just a matter of a few minutes and few little touches of some apps.

And just FYI, last week, I visited the three large cell phone carriers in our area. THEY ARE RIDICULOUS. My visit to those 3 places is what finally convinced us to give Republic a try. The next time you get ready to purchase something, multiply a few years and see what it is really going to cost. We just weren't willing to pay that to carry around a ridiculous phone!

So there you have it, one small change=lots in savings! I'll try to remember to mention how the service continues to work out for us, but we aren't that hard to please.

Our plans with the savings: tuck it away into our travel/adventure fund, of course! A much more meaningful use than talking or scrolling on a stupid phone!

Live a Meaningful Life!
