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- Because we lived the entire summer without running the air-conditioner (we cut it on maybe 10 times for a little bit), I am in a quandary. What am I going to do this winter? Right now, I am freezing! The temperature has only dropped a few degrees. I suppose we will keep the windows up until the late part of fall to condition ourselves to the cold like we did with the heat!! Johnny just let me know through the screen door outside--it is 70 degrees!
- I have seriously been considering having one of those cooking marathon days. You know, creating those pre-bagged crock pot meals, etc. If you have some good recipes, let me know.
- A few month ago, I ran out of my home made cleaning supplies. I did not have the ingredients I needed to make more. At the store, instead of purchasing the supplies, I just grabbed a couple of cleaners, one of which my friend just raved about how great it is...I gave $4 for one bottle of stuff! Anyway, every time I have used them, I have been angry at myself, I have to leave the room to breath, my eyes burn. Inhaling that mess can not be good for anyone. I will be adding the ingredients I need to my shopping list...we will be needing to make some more laundry detergent in a month or two anyway. (Made the last batch in January!)
- I attended a soap making class with John Gannon at Homeschool Adventures last year where we learned how to make soap from natural ingredients. I have successfully made it once since the class. I am getting ready to try out some new recipes and experiment a little! During the summer when I was using the soap, I did not have to put lotion on my legs. When I ran out, my skin was much more dry! Looking forward to having some REAL soap again!
- More power to you people who enjoy making your kid's Halloween costumes. JG picked out a costume and we decided we would try to make it...Let's just say, I'll be glad when it is finished and if it remotely looks like what he is trying to be, I'll be satisfied! Jackson's was easy enough--open the bag, pull out costume! On another Halloween note, we always go visit our family in Nettleton that night and they give the boys goodies. This year, some of the grandparents have asked what treats/candy they want--Jackson--strawberries and bananas. Jackson has been in mourning since we haven't kept him stocked with about 4 boxes of strawberries a week this month--he doesn't understand the $4/box concept yet. We obviously spoiled him this summer. John Gannon-a box of long chicken (chicken strips) and Ruffles brand cheddar/sour cream chips...Really..we do feed our children. My dad has laughed and laughed over this. I was on the phone with him when I asked the children. Interesting what they consider valued treats! On the other hand, mom and dad are thinking a little chocolate would be nice! How I have two children that really do not care for candy is beyond me!
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