
Showing posts from October, 2014

The Day I Showed My Tail

Well, I just have to tell you all what happened today.  The boys and I went to our homeschool group's Halloween party. We all had a really good time! Here we are: After all the fun, we had a few errands to run.  We stopped at the Health Food Store to restock on some delicious milk from Brown Dairy Farm.  Then, off to the bank.  John Gannon had figured up how many eggs he needed to keep his current customers supplied. After a little more math calculations, he decided he needed to purchase 10 more hens. He was withdrawing money to go purchase the chickens.  It was here that that today's episode really begins... First, you see above I am wearing a costume, right? I didn't mind at all wearing it right on into all the places I needed to go. I mean, it is Halloween, and my kids love it when I dress up.  However, they did not exactly have ALL the details about my costume. My skirt required a little ingenuity this morning.  It is actually one of those ...


Because we lived the entire summer without running the air-conditioner (we cut it on maybe 10 times for a little bit), I am in a quandary. What am I going to do this winter? Right now, I am freezing! The temperature has only dropped a few degrees. I suppose we will keep the windows up until the late part of fall to condition ourselves to the cold like we did with the heat!! Johnny just let me know through the screen door outside--it is 70 degrees! I have seriously been considering having one of those cooking marathon days.  You know, creating those pre-bagged crock pot meals, etc. If you have some good recipes, let me know. A few month ago, I ran out of my home made cleaning supplies. I did not have the ingredients I needed to make more. At the store, instead of purchasing the supplies, I just grabbed a couple of cleaners, one of which my friend just raved about how great it is...I gave $4 for one bottle of stuff!  Anyway, every time I have used them, I have been angry...

Motive-An incentive to act; The reason for doing something

I must admit, I wanted to start this post off by listing everything I have got going on right now.  However, when I thought about my motive for doing so, here is what I discovered: Self-pity I wanted others to feel sympathy for me and offer nice little encouraging comments like, "You can do it!"  I wanted people to be impressed by what all I have going on There--the honest truth.  You know when we really consider the motive/intentions behind what we say (and write), sometimes the truth does not look pretty. We try to cover it up and make it look a lot better than it does.  We offer ourselves these silly little justifications, and it all feels better.  You know, it is kind of like cutting the ceiling fan on so no one can see the dust covered blades. When the fan eventually gets cut off-the dust is still there. So it is with my soul. As long as I continue to make justifications for my behavior, the ugliness is still there.  To be honest, when I st...