Easter 2014
I don't even know where to start--for the past week, we have had lots going on around the Cox house (all for the good)! We left Thursday evening for a trip to the mountains/river and came home Sunday night. In addition, this week is jammed pack with lots of exciting homeschool activities and a service project! So...being the nerd that I am (chronological order/lists--nice and organized :), I will start with Easter and will post next week about all of our exciting homeschool activities...
I have never felt more "alive" (Johnny's term) during Easter weekend as I have this year. I am not sure if it is due to the fact I am aging and just seem to find beauty and appreciation in almost everything I see or if it is due to the fact I didn't have to play the Easter game. Huh? Calm down Christians--I am one of you! I am just SICK of the commercialization of Easter within the world AND INSIDE the church. You know--the fashion shows, all the "preparation" at the churches for the "Big Event" (work days, planning of "the" service, making sure everything is clean for all the visitors...). Honestly, all of that really saddens me. I hear more talk from church people about their clothing choices than I do about Christ. I mean isn't Jesus suppose to be a big deal every day? I know the argument--"Well, this is the only time some people will be at church--it is an opportunity for them to hear the Gospel." I agree--it is the only time some may attend a service but I guarantee you it isn't the only time they will be around Christians. I just thought that our mission as Christians to share/LIVE the Gospel is everyday-not just on the "important" day. We have the opportunity to share with people daily--in word and actions the love, sacrifice, and freedom we experience...Now don't get all tangled up--I appreciate the fact we all have differences (thanks to our CREATOR!). Some enjoy structured services and the routine the tradition offers...I am sure many of you who attended the Easter services will say during/after the service you never felt more "alive." For that--I am grateful. For us this year, the change of pace was just really refreshing...
For those of you who know me--I could care less about decorating--I have yet to appreciate random stuff placed in my house for people to look at. I don't know--it just seems meaningless to me. So, I found myself surprised this past weekend. If Jackson Cox sees a flower growing, he is going to pick it unless the limit is set before hand that he can't. So, as we traveled from MS to TN he picked every random wildflower he stumbled upon. I had put them in an empty water bottle and sat them on the picnic table when I arrived at our site. You would have thought I did something grand--the boys went crazy and proceeded to "decorate" our table. John went and grabbed his bag of things, pulled out the shell collection--and well--you see the result. Every time I looked at this scene this weekend on our table, I was reminded of how insignificant our works are in comparison with what Christ has done. If you showed this picture at an interior design class--well--I am sure there would be lots of recommendations for improvement and the trainer I am sure would point out how terrible this design is. I am thankful that I am not dependent on my "works" to justify me. I could never be "good" enough. His work on the other hand...sufficient/complete. And just as a mother looks at the above scene created by her sons and thinks it is the most beautiful thing ever...I can only imagine how our Creator is honored when our hearts/attitudes/motives are purely focused on Him.
Jackson picked these flower as we were hiking and said, "Moma, look. God creates all these beautiful colors and He made this purple one..." Oh the thankfulness that flooded my soul for so many small things in our lives-things that I overlook and take for granted. I was so overwhelmed that as we were hiking out and walking down this gravel road to return to our campsite, I just wanted to stop and pray-expressing my thanks...I am telling ya'll--I was just filled with this overwhelming sense of thankfulness and gratitude. So there we were, stopped in the road, I was praying out loud and in the midst of me pouring out my soul I could vaguely hear Johnny start to talk. Then it finally came to me what he was saying--you know something about the approaching car and how we needed to get out of the road and all....Oh yea--good idea--"Amen." :)
Well, I could go on but I am finally getting sleepy again...I woke up around 2 this morning and decided to do something productive with the awake time. So, I'll finish with just a few more pictures of the Beautiful Easter Weekend!
Meet Ms. Roxy! She is the campground host at Thunder Rock--we love her. Last year, she was such a big help as I was getting ready to prepare to homeschool. She introduced to me to the wonderful world of McKays Bookstore in Chattanooga and to some great resources. We spent lots of time with Ms. Roxy and her son Blaze this weekend. While she has always picked with Jackson and tried to get him to play with her, he has generally been reserved--hiding behind me, etc. This weekend--he was all about some Ms. Roxy! He drove her around the campground and helped her make sure the bathrooms were taken care of. I am sure we took some "unnecessary" trips to the bathroom just so he could scope out the toilet paper situation. I can't tell you how thrilled he was when one of the 4/5 rolls in one of the stalls was empty. He couldn't wait to tell her and help her change it! I love the picture of her with John Gannon--he is telling her all about the "World's Deadliest Animals" as he shares his book with her!
Biking--John Gannon finally made it up the big hill before the bridge without getting off-he was pretty thrilled! Whoo hooo! Also a bittersweet moment--this will be the last season of the bike carrier for Jackson--he is growing up...
I have never felt more "alive" (Johnny's term) during Easter weekend as I have this year. I am not sure if it is due to the fact I am aging and just seem to find beauty and appreciation in almost everything I see or if it is due to the fact I didn't have to play the Easter game. Huh? Calm down Christians--I am one of you! I am just SICK of the commercialization of Easter within the world AND INSIDE the church. You know--the fashion shows, all the "preparation" at the churches for the "Big Event" (work days, planning of "the" service, making sure everything is clean for all the visitors...). Honestly, all of that really saddens me. I hear more talk from church people about their clothing choices than I do about Christ. I mean isn't Jesus suppose to be a big deal every day? I know the argument--"Well, this is the only time some people will be at church--it is an opportunity for them to hear the Gospel." I agree--it is the only time some may attend a service but I guarantee you it isn't the only time they will be around Christians. I just thought that our mission as Christians to share/LIVE the Gospel is everyday-not just on the "important" day. We have the opportunity to share with people daily--in word and actions the love, sacrifice, and freedom we experience...Now don't get all tangled up--I appreciate the fact we all have differences (thanks to our CREATOR!). Some enjoy structured services and the routine the tradition offers...I am sure many of you who attended the Easter services will say during/after the service you never felt more "alive." For that--I am grateful. For us this year, the change of pace was just really refreshing...
For those of you who know me--I could care less about decorating--I have yet to appreciate random stuff placed in my house for people to look at. I don't know--it just seems meaningless to me. So, I found myself surprised this past weekend. If Jackson Cox sees a flower growing, he is going to pick it unless the limit is set before hand that he can't. So, as we traveled from MS to TN he picked every random wildflower he stumbled upon. I had put them in an empty water bottle and sat them on the picnic table when I arrived at our site. You would have thought I did something grand--the boys went crazy and proceeded to "decorate" our table. John went and grabbed his bag of things, pulled out the shell collection--and well--you see the result. Every time I looked at this scene this weekend on our table, I was reminded of how insignificant our works are in comparison with what Christ has done. If you showed this picture at an interior design class--well--I am sure there would be lots of recommendations for improvement and the trainer I am sure would point out how terrible this design is. I am thankful that I am not dependent on my "works" to justify me. I could never be "good" enough. His work on the other hand...sufficient/complete. And just as a mother looks at the above scene created by her sons and thinks it is the most beautiful thing ever...I can only imagine how our Creator is honored when our hearts/attitudes/motives are purely focused on Him.
Jackson picked these flower as we were hiking and said, "Moma, look. God creates all these beautiful colors and He made this purple one..." Oh the thankfulness that flooded my soul for so many small things in our lives-things that I overlook and take for granted. I was so overwhelmed that as we were hiking out and walking down this gravel road to return to our campsite, I just wanted to stop and pray-expressing my thanks...I am telling ya'll--I was just filled with this overwhelming sense of thankfulness and gratitude. So there we were, stopped in the road, I was praying out loud and in the midst of me pouring out my soul I could vaguely hear Johnny start to talk. Then it finally came to me what he was saying--you know something about the approaching car and how we needed to get out of the road and all....Oh yea--good idea--"Amen." :)
As for church, we were invited to join some people in the campground one night. We all gathered around a fire, sang some hymns, and a guy read the account of the Resurrection using those visual prompts from those eggs--for the kids. While there we met a man who has a blueberry farm in Montana. He has terminal prostate cancer and it has metastasized within his body to the point he is in lots of pain and has to walk around with his hand holding his anal area to relieve some of the pain. But despite his pain and the obvious social awkwardness of holding his anal area--this man was so filled with the desire to share Christ...he had to leave from camping early due to the pain. The morning he was leaving, I watched him as he slowly walked around to every campsite and talked to everyone there--sharing Christ. As I watched him walk around in his awkward walk--I could not help but think of all the "excuses" I have/do offer as to why I do not do certain things. To be honest--and it really feels awful to write and expose this--but it is because I am often lazy and have lost sight of how truly great the Gospel is...a much needed message and reminder! I wish I had taken their picture to share.
When we went to the river one day, we met these people. They were providing free--homemade, healthy snacks and water to everyone rafting/kayaking or just enjoying the scenery. Just serving others--nothing expected in return...they didn't even have an offering plate or a box that says "donations welcome."
Well, I could go on but I am finally getting sleepy again...I woke up around 2 this morning and decided to do something productive with the awake time. So, I'll finish with just a few more pictures of the Beautiful Easter Weekend!
Meet Ms. Roxy! She is the campground host at Thunder Rock--we love her. Last year, she was such a big help as I was getting ready to prepare to homeschool. She introduced to me to the wonderful world of McKays Bookstore in Chattanooga and to some great resources. We spent lots of time with Ms. Roxy and her son Blaze this weekend. While she has always picked with Jackson and tried to get him to play with her, he has generally been reserved--hiding behind me, etc. This weekend--he was all about some Ms. Roxy! He drove her around the campground and helped her make sure the bathrooms were taken care of. I am sure we took some "unnecessary" trips to the bathroom just so he could scope out the toilet paper situation. I can't tell you how thrilled he was when one of the 4/5 rolls in one of the stalls was empty. He couldn't wait to tell her and help her change it! I love the picture of her with John Gannon--he is telling her all about the "World's Deadliest Animals" as he shares his book with her!
What are these you ask? Why...hotels, swimming pools, castles, parking spots...it seemed to be one of the favorite activities of the boys this weekend.
Random Sweetness from the Cox boys!
Biking--John Gannon finally made it up the big hill before the bridge without getting off-he was pretty thrilled! Whoo hooo! Also a bittersweet moment--this will be the last season of the bike carrier for Jackson--he is growing up...
The first thing cooked on the new stove...coffee, of course!
Oh the random things in John's bags...He always packs a bag and we never know what he has--remember the shells in the first picture, the animal book with Ms. Roxy--here are a few more glimpses from the bag!
Jackson and I enjoyed creating stories about the adventures of these two creatures--Tiny the ladybug and Buttercup, the Butterfly!
My favorite picture from the weekend!
Our favorite singer/song writer/musician!
Oh, the artistry of God!
The view from the back of our tent!
And finally--this coming Saturday--we celebrate 17 years of marriage! I am so thankful for Johnny. He is the greatest husband and dad that has ever possibly existed! I am so glad he chose me to be his wife. Without him, my life would be so boring!
Live a Meaningful Life!
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