One exciting week of school!
As mentioned in my last post, we had one busy week this week at school! I have to say it has been one of the funnest weeks yet! Here's the scoop... Tuesday--22nd A.M.=Science Fair --John Gannon investigated what makes hot air balloons fly. He conducted the experiment at home and then did trials using 2 different toasters and 3 different sizes of balloons. At the science fair, I demonstrated his experiment while he told about the results. Jackson's experiment consisted of putting 3 different types of soil in a box--we added 19 worms. We checked it each day to determine what type of soil the worms preferred. He picked out pictures to put on his side of the board about things that worms like and do not like. He did a verbal presentation of his board. We also learned lots from the other participants. It was super fun! Here are a few pictures: P.M.=Brown's Dairy Farm, Oxford MS --That after...