A Nothing Post...
1. Just for the record, I want to write a new post, the only problem...no ideas---I am looking at a screen with no profound or even simplistic thoughts. 2. I asked my daddy what he wanted me to post about one day, he says "laughing." We'll, ok, there it is...laughing--lol, hahahaha, huhuhuhuh, hmmhmmmmhmmmhmm. Laughing is good for you, do it often. Sorry daddy, don't seem to be able to carry out a thought about it. 3. Asked Johnny for ideas...and for those who know him, he just asked me questions in return, "What do you want to write about? What are you thinking about?" 4. Just asked John Gannon what he would write about, "Moma is the cutest thing ever. That's all." 5. Jackson said he would write about horsies. So, there...my post about nothing! Maybe next time I'll have something.