Random Thoughts & Rants
1. If you use a buggy at a store and take it into the parking lot--PUT IT UP! Lazy, lazy people!
2. People are just people--we are all similar in many aspects--so why get so uptight when having to speak in front of others and do something in front of a crowd? Worst case scenerio-you do something stupid--guess what? Everyone appreciates a good laugh.
3. If you have a pattern of drama in your life...NEWSFLASH--it is not every one else's fault!
4. Dragons--creatures & people who blow smoke out of their mouths. If you smoke please realize it stinks really bad, your clothes and everything you touch smell like it and all the nonsmokers around you at the park, in parking lots, etc. hate to beathe it in! Keep your smoke to yourself--in your vehicle and on your property, I already have a bum lung!
5. Stop acting like your business and to do list is so important. Stop to play with your children or grandchildren uninterrupted. Your business and to do list will still be waiting on you! I like asking older adults what they would differently with their lives and almost always they say they would have spent more time with their children. You only get one shot at this life!
6. Nothing is as important as loving Christ and sharing Him with others. Seek to be a reflection of Him in all you do.
7. Toe nails, drain pipes, and toilet brushes are nasty.
8. What is the mark of a true MAN? His love and passionate pursuit of Christ!
9. Wet kisses from an 8 month old and big hugs from a 4 year old are some great earthly treasures. So much more valuable than material possessions.
10. The magical question that helps diffuse someone who is angry with/at you or helps begin the path of reconciliation in a conflict: What can I do to make this right?
2. People are just people--we are all similar in many aspects--so why get so uptight when having to speak in front of others and do something in front of a crowd? Worst case scenerio-you do something stupid--guess what? Everyone appreciates a good laugh.
3. If you have a pattern of drama in your life...NEWSFLASH--it is not every one else's fault!
4. Dragons--creatures & people who blow smoke out of their mouths. If you smoke please realize it stinks really bad, your clothes and everything you touch smell like it and all the nonsmokers around you at the park, in parking lots, etc. hate to beathe it in! Keep your smoke to yourself--in your vehicle and on your property, I already have a bum lung!
5. Stop acting like your business and to do list is so important. Stop to play with your children or grandchildren uninterrupted. Your business and to do list will still be waiting on you! I like asking older adults what they would differently with their lives and almost always they say they would have spent more time with their children. You only get one shot at this life!
6. Nothing is as important as loving Christ and sharing Him with others. Seek to be a reflection of Him in all you do.
7. Toe nails, drain pipes, and toilet brushes are nasty.
8. What is the mark of a true MAN? His love and passionate pursuit of Christ!
9. Wet kisses from an 8 month old and big hugs from a 4 year old are some great earthly treasures. So much more valuable than material possessions.
10. The magical question that helps diffuse someone who is angry with/at you or helps begin the path of reconciliation in a conflict: What can I do to make this right?
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