What's this about?
Welcome--to a glimpse into my brain. I have always wanted to journal. You know, write in those cute notebooks, deep reflections about life and scripture, share funny stories, and leave my children the library of notebooks to figure out what to do with when I die. But I am a failure...I buy the notebook, write a time or two, and I am done. I am like the person who wants to be out of debt but keeps using the credit card. I "say" I want to, but I obviously don't desire it enough or have enough discipline to actually do it. So, I decided to try it a new way--I have enjoyed posting on caring bridge and like the comments and the interactiveness of it, so here I am, staring at the screen, typing. We'll see. I plan to share some of my rants, random thoughts, and reflections about life. Hopefully we'll laugh some--you know like those of you who enjoyed the toilet seat cover story on caring bridge, I have plenty of those. But my main goal is for these words and thoughts to inspire others to live more fully in Christ! Because if our words, thoughts, and actions aren't a reflection of Him, then we live in vain...I want to fully live!
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