2022 Travel Log #11 Carlsbad Caverns National Park & Reconnecting with a Friend

After Guadalupe, we explored Carlsbad Caverns National Park. But the evening before, we explored around the town/area. This is the closest area to the park, Whites City. He's real! And actually a quite friendly guy! We stayed the night in Carlsbad, NM. They have a park by the river in town! We walked there as the sun set. And here is our adventure in the park. There were two ways to enter--via elevator from the visitors center or via a 1.25 mile steep grade hike down. We did the hike in. By doing this, you see much more of the cave. It is pretty neat how you walk down and go into the hole! Our plans included exploring Rattlesnake Canyon the remainder of the day but it was closed due to damage caused by flooding, along with all the other hiking trails :(....so, we did a little ridge walk and picnicked). After Carlsbad, we kept looking at the map trying to determine what to do, where to go. We decided that we would start going back east. Since our last extended trip (2019) the boys...