Travel Log #10: Business in Louisiana

While in Florida, Johnny and I revisited every aspect of our lives together. One part we revisited was the time we were apart, and he went to serve at FBC in Lafayette, Louisiana as a youth minister. When he talks about that time, one family always stands out. He wanted to go and tell them thanks for the investment they made in his life. So, we headed that way! On the way, we made a stop in South MS and visited with Dusty Rogers and his family; Brent was snoozing! We went for a quick walk at the National Seashore Park and walked through the visitor center. I can't believe I didn't take any pictures of his sweet girls, Dylan and Reese. Do you see the gator? 2-9-20 We spent the night in Slidell, Louisiana. The next morning we spent the day in New Orleans. The boys had been when they were younger (2011) and neither had any memory of it! We were there for an entire week! As a matter of fact, it was the place that started our magnet wall--I get a magn...