Another Hopeless Sunday
Our time so far this month in Florida has been so rejuvenating and refreshing. I am so thankful for what God is doing in our lives! And if I have never mentioned it before, I am madly in love with my husband. I thought I would spend some time sharing a reflection from my heart today. Over the past two years I have written a few posts about this that I didn't make public. I did not want to become another keyboard ninja touting opinions, pointing fingers or placing blame. That is not my intention. My intention is to share my heart. It has been torn and broken over this. I have cried, stayed up wrestling with thoughts, challenged my views, and tried to have peace about this all to no avail. During the past two years Johnny and I have been to so many different churches and unfortunately that is what has torn my heart. You see, there seems to be a common thread throughout churches and Christianity these days to focus on man/people--what attracts a crowd, what makes them feel c...