Travel Log 2019 #3: A Sticky Situation

11/27/19 We woke up to rain and set out to visit the Old West town of Tombstone, AZ. On our way, we found a real ghost town, Steins, NM. It is now owned by a family and they had it fenced in to keep thieves out. But they still allow you to walk around the outside. It has a really interesting history we were able to read online. The little abandoned town had a great view behind it! Not too long afterwards, we finally got to a state that we had not been to together! And much to Jackson's delight, there wasn't too much more waiting until we arrived at our destination. The town all started with mining. Why there is Wyatt Earp himself! It is always interesting to hear the boys' imaginations come alive as we travel. Jackson wanted his chaps, boots, and a cowboy hat. He settled with buying a metal cap pistol. John wanted a red fancy western type vest and a black button up shirt...