Weeds, Joy Thieves, and Time

My soul has been refreshed from two very odd sources today and I thought I would share. This morning the boys were watching some inspirational performance clips from America's Got Talent. I happened to catch a clip in which there were a group of primary school aged children doing a performance with their teacher. In prefacing the performance, the teacher said, "Some have great voices and others are just really enthusiastic." Simon said that he was definitely stealing that line. If I only listened to the "sound" it was terrible really. But by the end I was blown away. You see, God reminded me of the simply joy and innocence that children possess. It was beautiful. By the end, no one cared what they sounded like. They were smiling and enjoying that moment in time together. Sure, there was lots of work and sweat put into that performance. But when it all came down to that moment, it didn't matter. It didn't matter they really didn't sound that great ...