Travel Log # 7: Zion, Arches, Canyon Land & A Bit of Adversity

12/6/19 This day's adventure included a visit to Weeping Rock This is along the Riverwalk Trail. We met up with this elderly couple along the trail and exchanged a few kind words. We had stopped for a moment on the trail to admire something beautiful and Johnny poked me and nodded toward the couple. They were all embraced up kissing...the sweetest picture. So, we had to stop for a kiss too--you know, the boys needed something so say "Oh gross" at. More importantly than that, we want them to know it is great to be in love with the person you marry...even after a whole bunch of years! There were several deer enjoying the sunshine along one of our trails. They were not the least bothered by our presence. We hiked to the upper pool of the waterfall at the top. Pac-Man! We stayed another night in LaVerkin, Utah. 12/7/19 Once we got up and packed we headed ...