Big Toe, Arm Pit & Leg Hair--The Making of A Man

I am absolutely fascinated with my boys' preoccupation with the growth of their body hair. When John Gannon had his cast taken off the leg hair on that leg was very prominent due to the lack of sun exposure. After close inspection, he noted that he has patches of long black hairs on his toes. Jackson and I were the only ones home at the time of this grand discovery. He asked me if this was normal. Laughing, I said "Yes, were you concerned?" "Yes, I was worried I might be morphing into a Sasquatch." That was the end of that...or so I thought. Fast forward several hours and Johnny comes in from work. As Johnny is prepping the Keurig Jackson asks, "Daddy, do you have hair on your big toes?" Johnny laughs and assures them he does. Jackson says, "Ok," and seems to finally be satisfied with the answer from the male. Obviously I may not have really known. This morning, Jackson and I were playing/wresting around and he kept trying to take my hand...